Where are the icons of the apps saved?


Chmod 760
Staff member
Where are the icons of the apps conserved??? i changed some but now i cant change them back.. so finder > apps > appe-i of the app and then copy and paste the new icon does not seem to work anymore.. is that because of the candybar (that i once had but didn't use and don't want to use anymore) ?

If i want to .. hack back the original icons where do i put the icon? show contents of the package > somewhere there? .. Where? If i have got the original icons i just substitute those wrong ones with those, in the packages? :confused:
For Aqua applications at least, the icon is in [Application Package]/Contents/Resources, and is a file with the suffix .icns.
There was a bug in the system up to 10.2.2 in which pasting an icon would only work once on a given file or folder. This was fixed, presumably, in 10.2.3. In prior systems the icon would be changed internally but it wouldn't be reflected until you logged out and then logged back in again. Whatever the causes may be you shouldn't muck around inside the application package's Resources folder as others might suggest.

So try this:

- Get Info on the application whose icon you changed.

- Highlight the icon in the Get Info window and press the Delete key.

- Log out and then log back in.
Grrrreaat.... now i have back the ugly original icons... so if i find something kewler iìll put those ... thx :) :) :)
Thanx crimson ... uhh... how do i do the a or o with the " over?? i have jsut èìòàùé on my keyboard and remember only how to do ˜ñãõ so instead of a with " i so far have to use ã ... ;)