Which iBook Replacement Battery Should I Buy?


Mac Convert for Life
Please help! There are TONS of ads in my "Macworld" magazine as well as Web sites for iBook replacement batteries. Most of them claim such-and-such percentage of greater battery capacity, blah, blah, blah. I've also read that one should NOT buy anything but Apple brand batteries for Apple brand products. Third-party batteris can screw things up. Please advise! I don't know what's true and what's not. Nor do I know if any of these third-party batteries are actually what they say they are. Does ANYone have any firsthand experience with these other batteries? Found one site from Other World Computing (or something like that) whose batteries look pretty good, but they are expensive. There are SO many out there! Any honest, reputable recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
One more thing: Do these Other World Computing batteries charge just like my original Apple iBook battery? Once it runs out of juice, I just plug in my computer and recharge the battery until the light turns green? No tricks or anything up their sleeve?
You could also try searching at MacWorld.com/reviews for "iBook Battery" and see if they have reviewed them.
Thank you for your replies. This really helps a lot. I feel better knowing that other people have bought and trust Other World Computing batteries. Thanks!