Who is using more than 4 GB of RAM ?


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
Who is using more than 4 GB of RAM ?

tell us about your experience ! your application ! and your system !
Think about that...think of how much you could store in 4 GB of RAM...Windows XP takes up about 4 GB doesnt it (Im prolly wrong). You could store an entire game or application (multiple even) on the RAM alone! Yeash, now that would be insane! :D
4 Gigs? *Drool*
Man, I'd be in heaven! I'm struggling with 512MBs :p

(Still pissed that I missed the boat when RAM was dirt cheap and refuse to spend any more on PC133 RAM :p)
Hehe... I paid $180 for my first stick of PC100 128MB RAM to bring my total at that time to a whopping 256... hehe...

I replaced all the RAM in my system with 256MB sticks, 4 of them, for under $100. And it was quality, Crucial RAM as well... hehe... 2001 was a good year! :D
4 Gigs? I can't imagine any HOME USER of this 'day and age' using that much - that HAS TO be overkill for now (@ least)!??

I am fine with my 1.25Gb, It certainly makes up (IMO) for the lack of RAW CPU Power! :p

when i tell someone i have a computer - a Mere 500MHz they think its a typo! :p
uoba said:
~~NeYo~~... 500Mhz... is that a typo or are you using a MAC? :p

HAHA! My point exactly! We all know that my Cube would EASILY out-perform a typical 500MHz PIII / K6-2 :p ...Being a Mac User makes a LOT of sense, in MANY ways! :D
There's a nice 1.4 GHz 7457 upgrade for the Cube now... Nice processor, nice speed, nice 2 MB Level 3 cache, too... I don't know if that card _needs_ that new housing (Powerlogix?), but a 1.4 GHz Cube certainly rocks...
Yea Fryke i saw that! Thanks, altho the Cube Enclosure doesn't appeal to me, too much. There are some far nicer Alu' mockups on Spymac. I am not sure how well a 1.4Ghz G4 would fair with the other additions to my cube, by this, i mean the wear and tear to the DC-DC Board. I would like to do it tho! :) It would certainly rock, yes! ... Altho these 1.4GHz's were JUST released, I bet they are a small fortune right now!?
Isn't there some issue though in that most apps aren't yet "aware" of more than 2 GB anyway? Something like that. And the latest MacWorld or MacAddict, can't recall, flat out says there is not point in having more than 4.5 GB for using Photoshop (at least until it's ready to take advantage of more). I am actually considering maxing out the RAM when I go G5 as I periodically work on 1-2 GB files that take FOREVER to work on with all the HD swapping. I will definitely get the 4GB at a minimum.
I thought that beating the 4 GB barrier was the main reason for the G5 !
Just a side note that may settle this debate. Pop open your terminal and punch in TOP. Youll see in a not so nice layout exactly how much memory that your computer is trying to eat. I see my page file soar over 5gb quite offen. Just as with classic and Virtural Memory (for those of us who remember) It allows things to run, but slows down application and hard disk performance at the same time. So as I conclude, the more the merrier, and the faster.
I remember joking, several years back, that I wanted a gigabyte drive (this was back when people couldn't remember what came after "mega-") just so I could install Stacker on it (a "transparent" hard drive compression utility). Now my computer has 2.5GB of RAM.

The fact that I thought this was extremely funny at the time proves that sometimes I'm a big nerd.