WHY!? did apple do this? Warning when changing the extension of a file...


I am the law!
I have had OSX on my G4 since March 24th of 2001 when my 10.0 CD arrived. Since then, I have just updated OSX using software update.

On April Fools Day, my hard drive crashed.

I did a fresh install of OSX 10.1.3 on a new drive [A full install from a 10.1.3 CD, no upgrading] and I notice now that when I change the extension on a file, I get a Warning saying "Are you sure you want to change the extension from ".zzz" to ".nnn"?"

I didn't get this with my old upgraded version of OSX, which is weird....

Anyway, THIS IS A STUPID WARNING AND IT IS DRIVING ME CRAZY. Is there anyway to turn it off???
There's one side effect, though. All filename extensions will be visible.

If this doesn't bother you, just switch to the Finder, and go to the "Preferences..." under the "Finder" menu. At the bottom, there should be a checkbox called "Always show file extensions". Check it, and those annoying error messages will be gone!