Wireless Linksys vs Apple modem


I need some advice- I am a new imac owner- we also have a two other PCs in the house that we are using- we have used our linksys wireless modem and router for about three months with many problems - the only way we had made this work is to turn off the encrytion. (with that we have intermittent service for months) Our internet has been up and down all week -Now Cox cable has told us that we have an old modem that is not supported by them- we need a docsis 2.0 modem. So here I am trying to decide what to buy another linksys (cheaper solution)-- will that take care of our problems- could it be that our initial problems with connecting to the mac was b/c we had an old modem to begin with? or do we switch to a Mac device for wireless internet- if so what do I need to make this happpen and will it be compatible with our PCs??? thanks for any help you can give-
The "Apple device for wireless internet" does not contain the cable modem, of course, but it will serve fine as a wireless access point for both Macs and PCs.
'... or do we switch to a Mac device for wireless internet.' - no. Any 802.11 b and / or 802.11 g wireless router, or modem / wireless router (combination; all in one), will (should) work.

You can have a (cable or dsl) modem / router; or, a separate (cable or dsl) modem and separate router - by the same manufacturer or by different manufacturers - and all should still work well with the Mac (wired or wireless) ... and those PC's.