Wireless network


I would really like to set up a wireless network between my wife's PC and my Mac G4. Trouble is, I don't know the first thing about it.

I have OS 10.1.5 (soon to be 10.2). She has Windows 98 SE. We're going to get DSL in the near future (probably Earthlink).

OK, so what all do I need? A wireless router? A PCI card for her computer? That it or some more?

See, I'd just do a simple wired Ethernet network, but we live in a rental house and her office is on the floor above mine and I can't go drilling holes in walls and floors.

The big thing is that we really want to be able to share the DSL when we get it and there is no phone jack in her newly setup office/scrapbooking room.

Thanks in advance for the help.

The simplest way would be to get a wireless router and wireless cards for both pc's. Or you could just wire the downstairs Mac to the wireless router, and only need a wireless card on the PC. That's how I have my cable set up. Works great.
Going the combo route would be the cheapest. Get a wireless PC card for your wifes computer and a wireless router. Plug your computer into the router via standard ethernet and you should be all set. This is what I do and it works out great. The only problem you may have is the positioning of the wireless station. I need to move mine, because we get less than optimal coverage on the other side of our condo.

When you do get DSL you'll plug the DSL "modem" into the wireless router and you should be all set.

One other thing to consider is what type of wireless you want. 802.11a, 802.11b or 802.11g. I don't know anything about .a so I can't comment. .b will do 11 MBS (mega-bits per second) and .g will do up to .56 MBS (although really I think it taps out at around 36). Either is MORE than enough to browse the internet, however you will find some slowdown if you try and copy files between the machines, or if you are sharing a printer. A standard 10/100 ethernet card runs at 10 and 100 mbs respectivly.

Airport Extreme is .g, regular airport is .b.

If cost is a factor and you are only doing surfing get something that is 802.11b (much much cheaper - I think you can pick up wireless PCI cards for under $25, I've even seen wireless PCMCIA cards for $9 at micro center, a router can be found for under $50), otherwise make sure to get 802.11g. If you go the .g route you'll most likely need to upgrade the firmware in your router as soon as you get it. Many of 802.11g packaging still says the .g standard is still under review. I think it was just finalized within the past month and a good router will let you update to it.

Beware of routers that have proprietary wireless formats.

One other thing to consider is if you want to share a printer between the two machines. The best route is to get a router with a print server built in, that way you don't have to share a printer on one machine, and then connect to that machine from the other to print.

I have a Belkin 54g wired to my PC's ethernet and the cable modem and AirPort extreme in our powerbook. I'm going to go pick up a cheap .b PCMCIA card so my PC laptop can have connectivity for surfing and such. It's a great setup and cost under $200.
Thanks gang. That all sounds about what I figured just from my own research.

BTW, should I update her operating system or will Windows 98 SE be fine for what we want to do?

Thanks again.

98 Second Edition shou be OK, it is the most stable version of "Windows 95" ;-).

The only good upgrade for that would be Win2k as it is more stable and perhaps more secure.
You will probably need to add memory then though.
You might check out a USB adapter instead of a card, it is probably cheaper but you will not move beyond 11Mbit as USB 1.0 had 12Mbit's of bandwith and I have not seen wireless adapter for USB 2.0.

Yeah, I've seen the USB adapters, but her PC doesnt even have a USB port!. It has plenty of open PCI slots, though. Figured that was the way to go: just stick a wireless card in there.
