Wireless PowerBook - XP file sharing


I have a G4 Powerbook running Panther and a PC running XP service pack one.

My PC is on a wired network which is connected to the internet and I have a wireless card as well. Therefore two networks. I have an Airport Express base station plugged in via ethernet.

My problem is that my mac can not see the PC on the wireless network. I can use the internet etc and the really strange thing is that my PC can see the mac. I can create a network drive on the PC just by \\\docs. My mac, however cannot find the PC anywhere.

It is probably very simple but I cant work it out. Can anyone help?
Hi Chopper. I had the exact same kind of problem and it drove me (and a few people on this forum) completely nuts for weeks! The answer in my case was my PC was running Zone Labs Integrity firewall protection. Once I turned it off everything worked the way it was supposed to (it was hidden in my system tray and I just never paid attention to it).

I could ping my Mac from my PC (PS sees Mac), but not ping my PC from my Mac (Mac doesn't see PC). So, it seems similar enough that there might be some firewall issue on one of your machines - probably your PC? I hope this helps - for me it was one of those "duh" moments because I spent hours on all the Windows and Mac network settings when they were not even an issue.