Wireless Router Problem - II


Making Design taste good
I was having problems connecting my Ibook G3 to my wireless router.
It will let my Desktop Powermac G4 connect through the router, but it will not all wireless connection. I have reset both the router and the Roadrunner modem and restarted each machine. At one point I had active status in the Airport status menu bar but still could not connect to the internet wirelessly.
So I reset both the router and the modem again and once again I can connect via my modem connection but not my wireless one. Any Thoughts?
I know my airport works because I saw that it was recognizing the router earlier. It just will not allow me to connect to the internet.
And once I reset everything again, I am back to just desktop connection
with no airport status bars.
check to see if the router is not set to AD HOC mode if so try setting to Infrastructure mode. that maybe why you can't get online with the router. Also look and see if the airport card is not trying to use AD HOC mode.
How do I check to see if my router is in AD HOC or Infrastructure mode?
Also how do I see if the ibook is on AD HOC or Infrastructure mode?