working in word


When typing in word, before I get to save I get the circle of death as I call it and the machine locks up and I loose my work. Running MAC 10.4.4 and the latest and greatest office suite with all the upgrades.
OK, so you have a problem. You have given us absolutely nothing to go on that can possibly help us diagnose it. In the immortal words of Tom Cruise in Jerry McGuire:

"Help me help you."
What MisterMe is trying to say is that we need more information on your hardware and what you've already done on your own to determine the problem.
01. By 'circle of death' I presume you mean the (Steve Jobs) 'Spinning (beach) Ball from Hell' (others use 'Death').

02. The is no such thing as 'latest and greatest office suite'. This is subjective statement - relative to only you, and your system configuration. Others require explicit application names and / or version numbers, etc.

'Microsoft Office 2004' (also known as - version 11.x) is a known product. The last related update [(1) (2)] is version 11.2.3.

03. Please also provide - the 'Word's 'Word, Preferences...' menu item's 'Preferences' window's 'Save' (left side list) 'Save options' (right side panel) settings; the model Mac you have, the amount of RAM installed, the size of the hard disk drive, hdd, and amount of free (or used) storage space of said hdd.
I am having the same problem, which is odd, because it hasn't happened before. I was attempting to work on a document I brought home on my laptop. Every time I try to save (and sometimes before), Word gets hung, and I see the message at the bottom that "Word is connecting to the printer". It turns out that the same thing happens when I open a blank document in Word and try to save or print. I've tried deleting preferences, and I've also tried changing my default printer to Adobe PDF. I can't change the printer in Word because it gets hung. I can't figure this out, because things were working fine yesterday. Does anyone have any ideas?

My system info:
PB 12" 867 MHz G4
640 MB RAM
Mac OS X 10.4.6, Build 8l127
Word 2004, Version 11.2 (060202)

This isn't a very satisfying solution, but rebooting fixed my problem. I think that what happened is that I brought my laptop back from work in sleep mode, and somehow it still thought it was on my work network (at least as far as the printer was concerned).
