World of Warcraft memory


Hey everyone =D

My girlfriend has an iMac and she plays World of Warcraft and she has a few add ons that she uses, however when she logs into the game she has to re configure the add ons everytime she logs in, and everytime she logs out to the character selection screen she has to configure them again.
When she lived in her old house she had an iMac there and the add ons and the configured settings on that one would stay as they were left everytime she signed in or out.
So I wondered if anyone had any ideas on why this is happening and how this can be resolved.

Thanks =D
Who installed the program and the add-ons? Was it the same user to install it and use it? This looks like a permission error... Check on the console logs for any writing permission error, if there is something wrong, thats the best place to start to look for an answer. Also you can check for disk permissions, under the disk utility you can run a check disk permissions. It may also give you a clue of whats happening.