X11/KDE/Gnome Accounting Packages?


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I don't suppose anyone could point me in the direction of a decent Open Source (read: 'Free'. 'Cos I'm cheap, you'll see the irony soon...) accounting package? I'm not really in need of anything as featureful as MYOB yet and would rather get a feel for the genre before splashing out cash.

I'm assuming that there is going to be a greater likelyhood of there being a KDE/Gnome/X11 package than a Cocoa/MacOSX one, so this looked like the place to post.

Talking of which, just how DO you get gnome to start up under X11, I can get KDE to do it with this in my .xinitrc file:
export KDEWM=/sw/bin/kwin
exec quartz-wm --only-proxy &
exec /sw/bin/startkde

but I can't seem to find how to get the same results with Gnome. All this compiled and installed using the ever groovy Fink, of course.
In your .xinitrc file put:
source /sw/bin/init.sh
somewhere at the beginning and
exec gnome-session
at the end.

This should launch Gnome if you have everything correctly installed.