Registered Penguin
I do Computer Science at University (first year), and we're doing C++ programming. In the past, I've used either SubEthaEdit or Xcode to do the file-editting (nice indenting and syntax colouring), and then compiling the project in Terminal with g++.
Today, in class I found out the whole need for Targets in Xcode to allow me to use the inbuilt build engine to work (I'm using BSD Shell tool and Legacy Application targets interchangably. I'm thinking the former is more appropriate).
Anyway, so this has renewed my faith in a nice IDE for my purposes. I've used Visual Studio .Net and 6 on occasion and really liked the sheer customisability of the panes in its interface.
-Is there any way to get Xcode to split the edit window vertically instead of horizontally?
-Is there any way to get the Build console to integrate as a pane somewhere in the one-window interface?
-Alternatively, are there any other IDEs that are specifically for (or could easily cater for, using GCC) command-line programming, preferably C++, with vertical split panes?
This sort of split works much better on a widescreen display such as on my PowerBook, as seen in programs like NetNewsWire
Today, in class I found out the whole need for Targets in Xcode to allow me to use the inbuilt build engine to work (I'm using BSD Shell tool and Legacy Application targets interchangably. I'm thinking the former is more appropriate).
Anyway, so this has renewed my faith in a nice IDE for my purposes. I've used Visual Studio .Net and 6 on occasion and really liked the sheer customisability of the panes in its interface.
-Is there any way to get Xcode to split the edit window vertically instead of horizontally?
-Is there any way to get the Build console to integrate as a pane somewhere in the one-window interface?
-Alternatively, are there any other IDEs that are specifically for (or could easily cater for, using GCC) command-line programming, preferably C++, with vertical split panes?
This sort of split works much better on a widescreen display such as on my PowerBook, as seen in programs like NetNewsWire