Your favorite new Apple product?

Favorite Apple Product

  • LED Cinema Displays

  • MacBooks

  • MacBook Pros

  • The new iPods

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The MacBooks and MBPs look nice, but that's all they do for me (after so many years, the RDF just doesn't have the same effect on me anymore). I like that they have the same cosmetics as the iMacs....makes the line of products more seamless. Now if only the Finder would follow suit. :p
MacBooks, quite clearly. I hate how they _again_ had to change the video connector. And that those don't come with the product. Because as it is, the purpose of the interface is not to connect a monitor, but to require an adapter. ;)
I recently got an iPod 120Gb, so I am currently in love with it.
But I think the new MacBook and MacBook Pro do look pretty hott.
I'm at a loss right now, as I was waiting for these new ones to make my decision on upgrading. Now I think I'll wait as long as possible. Love the new design and look, with one exception (and that's a single, major flaw.)

I just can not live with a glossy display on my notebook. I use mine in too many varied lighting conditions (many with no control on positioning) and I can not stand to see every smudge and speckle of dust/dirt that gets on the glossy screens. Not to mention to me they are harder on my eyes with constant all-day use. Worst yet is color correction, darn near impossible.

This was not a good idea for the pro models on Apple's part. I doubt it'll happen, but remain hopeful they come to their senses and figure out a way to offer a matte screen in the near future. If that doesn't come, I'm not sure what I'll wind up doing. The matte screen is in the top 5 most important features list I have (closer to #2 or #3.) Without those 5, I really can't justify buying.

The new cinema is interesting (not counting the glossy part). Having the cable setup like that would make my life so much easier, but adding FW would help even more.
Once you go Black, baby you . . . wait . . . let me rephrase that!

Actually, I was impressed with the Pismo Powerbook for many years--far better made than later PBs until recently. It was popular for many reasons including the "OMFG Macs Can Do That?" upgrading--RAM, processor, there are even those who upgrade the CD/DVD drive to DVD burners and the like.

But . . . you know . . . time goes on . . . eventually even an upgraded 550 MHz processor runs slow.

So . . . I "upgraded" to the MacBook--would have gotten a far cheaper Mac until I noted, "I love the look of my Pismo," and my friend said, "well, yeah, you want the much better Intel Macs! I love those!"

Quite happy with the upgrade. Are there "better" Macs? Of course, but I like this MacBook.

I looked at my Widdle Mac as an investment at the time--a computer I could use comfortably for years. I think the MacBook is such a product.

I'm still skulking about with my PB 5,6 and a 20GB 4th Gen iPod with bad sectors...the dying iPod made me look at the new line of iPods. Why don't they ship out with a mains power adapter anymore?

With the Intel macs, does the old adage still apply: "don't buy 1st gen. variants..."? And on the latest MB Pro - does "..with 256MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory.." as far as the NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics card is concerned mean what I think it means? It does not have onboard VRAM?
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The glossy screen thing: Get over it. With an LED-screen it *really* doesn't matter that much. Compared to your old, washed-out matte screen, the new displays simply look gorgeous - under 99 to 100 percent of all lighting conditions. I'm working in retail, and if you put a 17" MBP (without LED screen) next to the MacBook Air or the 15" MBP with LED-screen, it's just no match. Matte or glossy.
Once you go Black, baby you . . . wait . . . let me rephrase that!
That reminded me of something, I wish they kept the Black MacBooks, they were pretty sweet and I think they look a lot better than the white MacBook. I used to have a PowerBook G3 Wallstreet and I loved having the only black mac around (except that it had an upside down apple). So why can't the old MacBook option that they have be black?
Is that an earnest question? The answer is: Because they want to sell you the better model instead.
That and I was told Steve Jobs does not like the color black.

How that explains his NExT computer and previous Macbooks/Powerbooks . . . is anyone's guess. That being written, the black MacBooks just look cool!

I for one very much welcome the aluminium MacBooks. They certainly look cooler than the black MacBooks, and the highend model finally has backlit keys, which I enjoy very much on my MacBook Air.
No! Nothing is COOLER than the black MacBook!!!

All of the Cool People [Tm.--Ed.] know that. . . .


P.S. Though lit keyboard reads kind of cool . . . but it will be more cool on a black laptop.
Is that a dare?? ;)

The black MacBook, I'm sorry, is a bit like a bad car with new rims. It's still the MacBook with the dim screen and the GMA X3100. True: The black material is _much_ cooler than the white. (Not 200$ cooler, though.) But my MacBook Air kicks any black MacBook's a$$ anytime, anywhere. (In regards of style, not processing power.)
But it IS processing power!

And storage!

Face it, the Chicks think the Black MacBook is "t3h sex."


P.S. And I have FireWire!11!
Depends on the chicks, I guess. Those who spell it that way are quite probably not the women _I_ intend to date. :P

If we're talking cats: Of course: Black above all other cats. I had one cat in my life, and it was black. But we're talking about computers, not cats.