Your Job

How do you feel about your Job?

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Ministry of Re-Education
How do you like your occupation? or do you?

Personally, my job was cool until the dot-com crash and the following world economic downturn came along and decimated the industry. Since then the company I work for has gone from employing 225 people to a skeleton crew of about 75.
Being a student, I love my occupation :). Professional wolrd does not interest me at all for the moment. I'm looking forward to studying a looooong time.
i love my job because i get to be a mac technician in a class like ordeal @ school after school and get paid good money for it. (and i am a student btw)
student worker as of right now :( gah horrible office politics and paper pushing, if it didn't pay as good as t does i'd drop it.
My user name say it all. However, the best job I ever had was radio DJ when I was younger. I was making peanuts and happy!
Satcomer: maybe I'm blind but what does your user name mean anyway? Are you a radio telescope operator? Perhaps a S.E.T.I. researcher?

I used to be a big Astronmy buff. In fact, I probably still am.
I work for the government and its fun, and thats all I can tell you :)

(I DO really work for the government, but thats not all I can tell you ;))
I didn't know delivering mail was fun... :p

My job's ok...kinda boring, but I get paid pretty well for it. Which is a good thing, cause if I felt I was getting jipped, I could blow the plant up with the machine I'm runnin :D
I'm about to be a graphic designer working for my dad (he's also a graphic designer, and loves macs). I'll be doing most of the promotional flyers and stuff, and i'll get paid a fair amount. And, it's something that i love to do! So it puts money in my pocket, and i'll be the youngest to work in my neighboorhood. My dad will set Penguinn Inc up as an official company and stuff, aaaand that's it. Sound good? I start this summer, with an ibook prolly. I have Illustrator and Photoshop to use, all at the current versions, so i am ready to go. I'll be using the new ibook (thanks dlloyd for convincing me to get the more affordable laptop, cuz i would've spent aaaallll my savings), and i'll be good to go! woooh!
Originally posted by habilis
How do you like your occupation? or do you?

I work as a Solaris system administrator, firewall administrator, IDS admin, and do attack and penetration testing against our own systems.

What a hoot, and to think I get paid for doing it too I don't think I could have this much fun at Disney World.
I'm a graduate student of Philosophy, hoping to make it to PhD and working as a researcher. I also study Cognitive Artificial Intelligence. I do like both a lot! :)
habilis said:
Satcomer: maybe I'm blind but what does your user name mean anyway? Are you a radio telescope operator? Perhaps a S.E.T.I. researcher?

I used to be a big Astronmy buff. In fact, I probably still am.

I literally use (and lately get used), work on, help design satellites. Most of the time use though. I am interested in astronomy too because space can be so noisy.

Also, if you want to know some more astronomy, then I highly recommend checking out this DVD. It was actually really well done.
hate my job as a bartender, but it pays the bills while in school. plus the added benefit of the ladies of course!! ;)
I get paid to talk to discuss exciting new networking technology with people, excellent fun!
I'm a molecular biologist, really nice work, but quite hard in some days... and when I have good results, like in this period, it's easier not to complain so much for how auch I get paid...
I'm a developer working on Hansa, one of the first accounting packages available for Mac. In fact when the program was first created it was called MacHansa. The work can sometimes be difficult but normally routine.
I'm a developer writing code about 20% of my work week. The rest of the time I'm attending meetings that have nothing to do with any of my projects because my department head feels we should "be seen".

So, I'm 20% productive but I'm "out there".

PHAH!! I hate it. I just want to write code.
I'm a graphic designer. But I haven't done a poster in years, thank God! I specialise in books about rock climbing, mountaineering, etc. I get to work on images of some awesome places: how does the summit of Everest sound, with a sky so clear, you can see for hundreds of miles? Just for starters! I have a library of thousands of images of some of the most spectacular scenery on the planet. I'd hate to have to go back to industrial design again. You just can't beat working on pix of people enjoying themselves.

There is currently only one cloud on my horizon. They call me CaptainQuark because I know QuarkXPress inside out (he says modestly), but some fool decided that I need to learn Dreamweaver. It's not that Dreamweaver is a bad program – a bit flaky from time to time – but I just don't like not having all the answers. I hate being a n00b again!
Once my qualifications, occupation and income defined who I was, and I had pride in them. Thankfully I no longer think in that way. The doctorate made me feel good but gave me no wisdom, the huge salaries bought me everything I wanted and yet I gained nothing.

Now my job is just that, a job - irrelevant - what I *have* to do to earn money to buy food and pay for the roof over my head - no more. Whether in a lab or pushing a broom, there is no difference. It does not define anything about me, nor would I ever want it to. There are far more interesting things in life than making money or taking pride in what I do from 9-5, both of which keep me from my loved ones and friends.
My job is teaching at the university and finishing my phd in bioinformatics. Guess I should be done within this year. Or should I rather say: I will be unemployed at the end of this year? ;)
But I like the stuff I am doing. Teaching actually gives you a great opportunity to become a real expert in that area while research will focus on detailed aspects. Many scientists are so much into the details of their work that they simply lose the overview. And such scientists mostly have serious problems to talk about their project to ppl that are no experts in that field.
But yet I miss the big money ppl promised me while I was still on school. Anyway, in these days a german citizen should be more than happy to have a job at all. In germany we have an unemployment rate of 10%!!