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  1. S

    AirPort & netgear dg834g

    Your ISP can't help you with this, it's a local WiFi problem (en1 is your Airport connection) and you'll have to solve it or settle for frustration. Don't worry about driver release info, you're not in a Windows world here. I put up with a bad connection and gradually slowing speeds for way too...
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    AirPort & netgear dg834g

    I wouldn't use WEP unless you have to for some reason. Use WPA or WPA2 Personal and use AES in preference to TKIP. This kind of stuff... is what's killing your connection. You want to clean things up so you no longer see "Frequent transitions".
  3. S

    AirPort & netgear dg834g

    I forgot one thing which has always helped when I had problems. Run the periodic daily maintenance scripts. My machine usually misses the daily script because I let it sleep often. Onyx is a free tool which will run them or you can just start Terminal and type sudo periodic daily...
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    AirPort & netgear dg834g

    Open up in your utilities folder. Open the System log and filter for any activity on en1 (Just put en1 in the search box in the tool bar). Let me know what you find. Here are a few tips Don't use B & G both unless you have B devices Don't choose multiple encryption methods (AES...
  5. S

    How do you calibrate an external monitor with a Macbook Pro?

    In the display prefs panel (the window I made the snap of) drag the little mock menu bar to the other display. That makes it the main display.
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    How do you calibrate an external monitor with a Macbook Pro?

    Could be the MacBook Pro doesn't work like the older machines but I'd be surprised. You don't get an option screen like the attached one in Display Prefs?
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    Redundant Power for Mini?

    Buy two and parallel their supplies.
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    How do you calibrate an external monitor with a Macbook Pro?

    Don't use mirroring. When you set the system up as two displays you get two calibration windows. I use the external (large) monitor as the main monitor and the portable as an auxiliary monitor.
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    Microsoft Publisher converter?

    Geez, dig up a four year old thread to post a spam link. Spamming iz hard werk!
  10. S

    The Apple iPad...

    Ban the user. This is the new method for spamming forums and blog comment areas. People get paid a dollar or so to write a short comment at least somewhat related to a topic and then a spam link is included with that comment. They advertise on craigslist for “writers”. Especially...
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    The Apple iPad...

    I'd buy one just so I could easily sit in the sofa and read.
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    Superduper! fails cloning, HDD now not seen in OS X

    Search for Freeagent here. I think there's some info on formatting it for Mac if it did not come that way. I'm not sure if that's the case for you. There's something a little different about those drives.
  13. S

    Cant Drag Icons and stuff from finder.

    You can give it a shot and see if it works, seems it should. In Terminal type each of the following comands (in red) followed by a return. cd /private sudo -s (you'll be prompted for your admin password) mkdir tmp tmp is owned by root and the group is wheel So after you create tmp as root...
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    disk utility says unable to repair drive

    Can you read the disk? Sometimes you can still see files on the disk even if Disk Utility gives that error.
  15. S

    Re-install PHP5

    Removing the # will enable the line. The # makes the line into a comment so the instruction is ignored. Marc's package should be a real simple install and as far as I know is the best implementation available without building your own. I know it can be confusing the first time but have...
  16. S

    Re-install PHP5 That's the best one available, it's linked directly from It installs very easily and works well. Edit: You do know that 10.5 has php5 included but not enabled, right? The only real reason to install another build is to get a later...
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    Compare contents of Two Files (and more)

    TextWrangler is a free version of BBEdit and it's great for comparing files and multi-file search and compare.
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    Airport not finding networks

    I'll be watching this thread but I'm not going to watch it minute by minute so if this takes a while have some patience. I'm looking at other things on my machine as well and I'm looking at details that can take a while to change.
  19. S

    Airport not finding networks

    Open up console (Applications -> Utilities ->, look at “All messages” and scan the output for anything related to en1 (in the message part). Tell us what you see, we only care about recent entries.
  20. S

    Airport not finding networks

    Geez, it's only been an hour and it's early in the morning in the U.S. We're just a bunch of volunteers. Anyways, read this thread. I've had trouble recently with a system that's worked for a couple years. I've learned some more but I'm not ready to post a reply to that thread.