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  1. uoba

    Your Mac accidents

    I've destroyed a G3 Powerbook whilst trying to align a badly installed RAM chip (I blamed the store I'd just bought it from, and they replaced it straightaway). I too can confirm the keyboard as the weakest point... coke damage on my Ctrl key (isn't that a David Bowie song!?)
  2. uoba

    iPod on a pocketPC?..

    Maybe that IS the HP iPod! :D
  3. uoba

    Web Dev Software for Mac ??

    I can see the Project Management being useful (find BBEdit's to be feeble). The text colouring isn't as great as BBEdit's plus it doesn't particularly regard HTML as something to develop with. Would be nice if Apple used this as an opportunity. Code-folding. This is what I want in my...
  4. uoba

    iPod on a pocketPC?..

    Just get a 'Service Unavailable' screen?! Already desisted? ;)
  5. uoba

    Web Dev Software for Mac ??

    Speaking of xCode... anyone use it regularly for HTML (web-based) coding? (octane?) If so, does it have anything over BBEdit in features/use?
  6. uoba

    Web Dev Software for Mac ??

    As I always say, you can get 30-day free trials on DWMX 2004 and GoLive from their respective sites.
  7. uoba

    Web Dev Software for Mac ??

    If you're looking for one which allows you to graphically generate pages, then you'll have to pay. However, applications such as BBEdit (not Lite version), allow you to have a live preview of the code you are developing.
  8. uoba

    Apple Store SF - Lucky Bag contents

    Hang on... where these bags free? Or paid?
  9. uoba

    Apple Mail Suggestions

    Oh yes, that is particularly annoying.
  10. uoba

    new ibooks and imacs in (ipod)mini colours???

    Noooooo! Bling bling Gold iBook-Ya'll!
  11. uoba

    Just when I thought my nation had some credibility!

    Yep, you can't swing both ways!
  12. uoba

    10.3.3 exceeds expectations...

    Pompous ;) ... Thought you had a good memory? ;) :p
  13. uoba

    G5 with floppy drive?!?!

    Someone else has posted this elsewhere here... I actually think it's a good design (yes a rip-off, but a good one). Those wheel's are cool. ;) Surely Apple will have something to say about it though?
  14. uoba

    Just when I thought my nation had some credibility!

    Or rather, decided not to bother thinking about it anymore... back to apathy and reality tv again!
  15. uoba

    Want to know about defragmenting/optimizing?

    Nice article Fryke, to the point. Coupled with crontab, I lovethe free backup options with OS X (got so many crontabs jumping around backing up between my Mac and Linux machine, I'm going to have to start dishing out contraception!)
  16. uoba

    Apple Mail Suggestions

    Oooh, here's one I've been wanting to get off my chest for years (concerning The very top e-mail that comes in (if you have your very latest e-mails listed topmost)... give a linespace between the column headers (From, Subject, Date Received etc.) and the first e-mail listing. I...
  17. uoba

    Radio 365 Demo

    Darn, didn't know that. Hope they provide another (probably will since it's a beta).
  18. uoba

    Want to know about defragmenting/optimizing?

    It's Saturday night for me! (Tonight's the night of screaming teething child :( ) As for snow, I can see the Welsh hills from here, which look lovely with their snow, but it's not sticking here :( On-TOPIC: Scraping the snowdrift off the hard-drive helps with optimisation... darn, it's...
  19. uoba

    Just when I thought my nation had some credibility!

    Which was why I found it funny that we where all branded Atheists! (Hence the title of the thread ;) ) I didn't honestly think the whole nation had whipped out their copy of Being & Nothingness. :rolleyes: Why bother indeed, when there's shopping and iPods! Yehaaa!!
  20. uoba

    Want to know about defragmenting/optimizing?

    I used to fsck after every restart prior Panther. It was dirty I tell you, fsck-ing myself. Thank you Panther for journaling ;) (Yes I know I could've turned it on in Jag... I didn't.)