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  1. uoba

    Just when I thought my nation had some credibility!

    I'm not too confident that those 30% titled themselves as atheist anyway (more than likely the BBC branded them so because they didn't believe/see the need for a God).
  2. uoba

    Apache 2 config problem--did I screw up the folders ?

    Normally, I've found pre-installed versions of Apache/MySQL to be a problem (even in OS X) when you want to tinker around more than usual. Both Linux (Suse/RH) and Apple want to install it their way, rather than the community way. As long as you know where everything is though, no problem.
  3. uoba

    Just when I thought my nation had some credibility!

    What's 40% of the Dutch population amount to (compared to 30% of GB (minus 30% of those 'praying atheists' DOH!!!)) :p
  4. uoba

    Just when I thought my nation had some credibility!

    Because some believe that to live a pious life is a lot more restricting than to not accept a God. Your proposition is similar to Pascal's Wager. He proposed such a wager (albeit without the money part!) in order to prove the existence of God (but, like all philosophical theories for the...
  5. uoba

    Apache 2 config problem--did I screw up the folders ?

    Ah well... can't beat a system reinstall!
  6. uoba

    Just when I thought my nation had some credibility!

    A recent BBC study has revealed that the UK may well be the most atheistic nation in the world, however, 30% of those self-proclaimed 'non-theists' (10,000 people quized) claimed to have prayed on occasion! Doh! :confused:
  7. uoba

    Radio 365 Demo

    Cool... I subscribe to Live365 but don't like having that pop-up window open in a browser to see which track is playing (plus having the file download to my desktop then to auto-open in iTunes, bit of a drag). Nice! Just fired it up and it really is nice. Bit oversized for what it is (window...
  8. uoba

    Apache 2 config problem--did I screw up the folders ?

    When I checked your site yesterday, it gave a permissions error. This indicated to me that there was a server running (otherwise, I'd get the no connection Safari error window). Therefore, check permissions on the directory and files within first (then I can have another look). Just to...
  9. uoba

    Apache 2 config problem--did I screw up the folders ?

    So what are you telling httpd.conf where your DocumentRoot is then? At /var/www, or at /home/www, or at /home/www/html (or at /var/www/html)? I'm not too hot on symLinks. I'd remove them until you've got Apache working. Also, that apachectl could be another install of Apache (v1.3?) and is...
  10. uoba

    Judge in Apple-Apple Corps case owns iPod

    Well, to be impartial, he could not bother listening to the case whilst chillin' out to The Beatles on his iPod :)
  11. uoba

    Judge in Apple-Apple Corps case owns iPod
  12. uoba

    What frequency for PowerMac releases?

    Fryke, you've missed out 4 months! Which I would prefer. 3 times a year. Even if it is moderate but steady increases. It shows a clear sign of progression, rather than the no-man's-land we are currently in. I find the Powerbook situation more embarrassing than the G5 one (embarrassing may be too...
  13. uoba

    Apache 2 config problem--did I screw up the folders ?

    Can't see your site at present, I presume you've got your machine off. Have you checked the error doc links part of the httpd.conf fiel, just to make sure it's all correct? Your second problem should simply be apache2ctl start/restart/graceful etc. It should be in your Apache2 root...
  14. uoba

    Happy birthday, Steve!

    Yep, happy birthday (bet he's reading this on his secret G6 Powerbook! ;) )
  15. uoba

    Your Everyday Sites

    Yep, loads of images of sweaty green, muscular gamma-rayed freaks!
  16. uoba

    Your Everyday Sites

    Hey, how about some descriptions everyone! ;)
  17. uoba

    OSX Rumors ... I hope this is real ... PLEASE

    Why embed apps such as Mail etc.!? Is this source from MS or something! I understand the need for tighter integration of Address Book, iCal, Mail etc (well, maybe more features than integration), but what's the benefit of embedding such apps? As for voice recognition, it personally won't...
  18. uoba

    Your Everyday Sites

    Hey, great idea... (probably find we all vacate the same sites!! ;) ) -- - You all know this one! -- - open-source sort of Encyclopaedia, all text by anyone who cares! (including you). -- - our very own Fryke's site. --...
  19. uoba

    gay marriage

    Anyhooo... it's a cheap shot to pick-up on media outcries concerning molestation throughout the clergy. As much as it is to say there's way too many immigrants around here etc etc. Sure, it has happened, but no more than it has in schools and other walks of life. Picking up on stock quotes from...
  20. uoba

    the client is always right!..

    Where to start... okay, the best one ever... taking a bunch of ex-SAS to court! (International Security Management (posh word for mercenaries)... wanted web-site... got web-site... didn't want to pay for web-site... taken to court). We won. But the fact that I've changed gender, moved out...