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  1. The Ghost

    Tiger eats 100% CPU

    If interested, check here on the Spotlight issue.
  2. The Ghost

    Airport and D-Link WEP incompatibility

    I definitely am not sure, but it seems to me that 128 bit encryption is needed for Macs to work under your circumstances. Take this thought with a huge grain of salt. Use WPA if you are able. As you know, it completely dominates WEP, and Macs love it.
  3. The Ghost

    802.11g repeater - what do you recommend?

    Some get the AirPort Express Base Station (AX) to extend the signals of non-Apple wireless routers successfully. But, beware the AX is a neat, but very tempermental, little beast.
  4. The Ghost

    Serious Problem: No Screen Appearing on iBook

    You are very welcome. You could try the "shotgun approach"--which I have never heard recommended before--probably for good reason. ~(:^) You could startup, do your best to put your cursor in the area of your volume icon, click, and then try to drag the icon to an external drive in the blind. The...
  5. The Ghost

    Serious Problem: No Screen Appearing on iBook

    Generally speaking, it will work with a PC, if the PC runs MacDrive ( or the equivalent.
  6. The Ghost

    Cloning Mac OS 10.2 from a laptop to an iMac

    Do all your Macs have firewire ports? If not, then what you want to do is going to get out of hand fast.
  7. The Ghost

    Cloning Mac OS 10.2 from a laptop to an iMac

    I have never tried that and don't have a second Mac to check things out on. I have made a disk image of my internal, using an Ethernet cable, on a Mac extended formated firewire drive connected to a PC through a Router. I always suspected that I would be able to restore my internal by reversing...
  8. The Ghost

    iTunes on a Fresh Install

    See especially question 24.
  9. The Ghost

    iTunes on a Fresh Install

    Thanks. I suspected so. And, Backup 2 does back those files up too just in the process of backing up iTunes music files, etc.
  10. The Ghost

    How do I open .bin and .hqx files on Tiger

    I wish I could say for sure. I rarely pay much attention to the formats of the apps I download (usually .dmg files though), but I have never downloaded anything that I could not figure out what to do with after double clicking. And, everything always has opened--even .sit files since Stuffit...
  11. The Ghost

    Migration Assistant from Firewire Drive (copied not cloned)

    I don't know anything about DataBackUp. Can't you just restore the files from the firewire using this app. It might put some things in the wrong places, but you should be able to straighten things out. And, are you really talking about data only. If so, then you could just copy your data to...
  12. The Ghost

    Tiger Shutdown Issue

    If you have Virex or Norton System Works (or AV in my opinion also), then uninstalling them is needed. Their uninstallers are on the McAfee and Norton websites. They are incompatible with Tiger. Also, VPC has caused problems for some. And, you could boot into safe mode (extensions off) and...
  13. The Ghost

    Windows Printer Sharing Issue

    Oh, and you are welcome.
  14. The Ghost

    Request Assistance: PC Won't find Mac

    You are very welcome, and good deal.
  15. The Ghost

    Copying one huge folder full of files to multiple DVDs or CDs

    I don't know if you have access to Backup 2 without joining .Mac. But, if you do, then trying .Mac for 60 days just to use Backup 2 for a short period is fair game. After all, you might decide that .Mac, including Backup 2, is so good that you join up. Trying it, liking it, and joining is the...
  16. The Ghost

    Serious Problem: No Screen Appearing on iBook

    This truth here may hurt more (I hope not) than your sig scenario. It sounds like a logic board failure in the making to me.
  17. The Ghost

    Exporting bookmarks

    And, you can use Cocktail to activate the Safari "Debug" menu--which also will activate bookmark importing for Safari.
  18. The Ghost

    iTunes on a Fresh Install

    Your Mac will erase your iPod if you don't put the iPod into manual updating/hard-disk (MUHD) mode before connecting it to the Tiger install. You can put your iPod into MUHD mode, copy your iTunes library to it before installing Tiger, connect it to your Mac after installing Tiger, and copy the...