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  1. wraith

    Mac The Ripper!

    I recommend using Handbrake. It will rip the DVD and encode it into mp4 format for use with iDVD and iMovie.
  2. wraith

    Volume Permissions Problem

    Sorry, I left some stuff out. The exact command I ran was : "chown -R <username> /Volumes/<whatever>"
  3. wraith

    Volume Permissions Problem

    I had a hard drive in an enclosure connected to my Airport Extreme, and therefore shared on my network. I recently moved the hd in a G4 PowerMac as its second drive, but it doesn't appear as a mounted drive under the admin user account. I can see the drive is mounted in Disk Utility, but when I...
  4. wraith

    Tiger upgrade troubles

    We're going to need more info than that. What trouble are you having? Specific errors would be more helpful.
  5. wraith

    DVORAK Keyboard for new iMac?

    AS far as I know, you can change any qwerty keyboard to dvorak by changing the key layout on the software side. (In the OS) Granted, the key labels won't match what they actually do, but if you already touch type in dvorak, it wouldn't be much of an issue.
  6. wraith

    EA Games

    Cider is the Mac version of the Cedega/Transgaming tool that's been running on Linux for years. Basically, it's a DirectX emulator (I'm drastically simplifying here) that allows linux machines to run Windows games. Since Mac OS X is based on FreeBSD (a Unix distro) Transgaming's next logical...
  7. wraith

    Who still uses the emac?

    I still have mine. I primarily use it as a file server for my MacBook and iBook iPhoto, iTunes, and Garageband libraries now.
  8. wraith

    SD Card won't mount

    What file system is the sd card formatted with? It sounds like the card may have gone bad since you've said it appears in Disk Util and then disappears. Have you tried jiggling it in the reader to see if appears and disappers as you jiggle it? I You might try cleaning the contacts on the...
  9. wraith

    Best way to clean the iMac built-in screen?

    Don't use anything that has amonia in it - like Windex - it'll cloud the screen and ruin it. They make special wipes and sprays for LCD screens. Use those. (Like the one shown above.)
  10. wraith

    Sad experience with Apple Customer Care

    As much as I love my Apple products, their support does suck somewhat. My iBook required 3 logic board replacements, and if it happens again I'm screwed. (You'd think that 3 replacements would indicate a trend with them, but nooooo.) My MacBook had a logic board replaced before they figured out...
  11. wraith

    Boot Camp really that bad for my mac?

    I don't see how using Boot Camp, and booting into Windows could hurt your Mac. Boot away.
  12. wraith

    Fan in overdrive?

    Make sure that you've installed the Macbook firmware upgrade. It fixes a lot of the power management and cooling issues.
  13. wraith

    Cannot copy large files to my external hard drive

    Is it a single iMovie file, or an iMovie project? (Collection of files.) If it's a collection of files, you may be trying to copy a file with an invalid filename for the target filesystem.
  14. wraith

    Why does Finder SUCK???

    All I care about is : 1) Better than Windows Explorer? YES 2) Let's me navigate the file system? YES Finder is fine. I think only old-school Mac OS 9 and lower users have problems with Finder. (They also had/have problems with the Dock.) Coming from a Linux world, after coming from a Windows...
  15. wraith

    Mac and Video Camera (MiniDVD, MiniDV and USB)

    Check out Canon and Panasonic miniDV camcorders. Many a Mac user has had great success with those.
  16. wraith

    Cleaning Your Mac

    You usually pretty safe with anything not containing bleach, or amonia. I use Apple Polishing wipes. They come with a polishing wipe, and a buffing wipe.
  17. wraith

    Kernel panic even when starting up in "safe-mode" (macbook)

    Have you tried booting the MacBook in target mode and connecting it to your G5? It would interesting to see if that works. If it does by some slim chance, you might be able to get your files off of there, and then take your MacBook to the Apple store to get it fixed. (Since it's only a month...
  18. wraith

    Remote Desktop

    I would guess that midi files are handled differently - the audio is actually rendered by the audio card of the local machine. It's possible that Remote Desktop just can't pass that audio through it's interface.
  19. wraith

    My laptop Battery is SWOLLEN

    Since you're Mac Book Pro should still be under the 1yr Apple Care warranty, I think they'l replace that battery for you. It's obvioulsy defective.
  20. wraith

    PCI Graphics Driver for Mac

    Have you looked at Apple's Developer site yet?