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  1. serpicolugnut

    Breaking: Beatles sue Apple (again)...

    $50 million is the average quaters profit posted by Apple of the last couple years. Of course, Apple does have $4US Billion in the bank, so they can afford the hit, if needed....
  2. serpicolugnut

    September 11

    I have oodles of existential respect to go around for all walks of life, all cultures, etc. Yes, Sept. 11 means different things to different cultures. But come on. Sept. 11 will forever be the day America was attacked. OK, maybe not forever, but for a very very very long time. There may be...
  3. serpicolugnut

    Breaking: Beatles sue Apple (again)...

    Well, we all knew it was likely to happen (again), but according to Fox News' Roger Friedman, it's happened... Beatles Sue Apple Anybody want to fathom what Apple will do? They've lost the previous 2 times they were taken to court by the Beatles, so it's a pretty safe assumption that they...
  4. serpicolugnut

    September 11

    I must be getting older and mellowing out, because 6 months ago I would have taken the above apart point by point and started a massively long thread with each side pitted against each other throwing out insults and other related barbs... Now I just sit back and say to myself (in my best...
  5. serpicolugnut

    Macromedia MX 2004 Software Now Available

    Can we keep the political insight out of these threads? I believe this forum has a place for political ranting in another thread somewhere on here.... Toodles.
  6. serpicolugnut

    Macromedia MX 2004 Software Now Available

    Yeah, maybe I'm missing something, but DW MX 2004s CSS handling looks exactly the same as DW MX 2002s. I'm not seeing any difference. I'm not seeing any speed gains either on either my G4/1.25DP or my Powerbook G4/1ghz. Actually seems slower. Overall, I'm still not impressed after my...
  7. serpicolugnut

    Macromedia MX 2004 Software Now Available

    After quickly breezing through Flash & DW MX 2004, I have to say I'm pretty unimpressed with this upgrade. There was hardly anything new in either of them (at least on the surface). What was new seemed pretty unimpressive (the Flash Effects are lame, especially compared to what Swish can do)...
  8. serpicolugnut

    Better than Panther...

    In the early 2.x releases, Path Finder did have some issues with hogging too much CPU at times. These are a thing of the past with the new 2.5 release, I'm happy to report... Path Finder doesn't have anything to do with the open/save dialog boxes. If you are looking to enhance those in...
  9. serpicolugnut

    Better than Panther...

    Originally Path Finder (then called SNAX) was considered an add on to the original Finder. However, as Steve added features to the product, it began to eclipse what the Mac OS X Finder was capable of. So, in the latest release, Path Finder has a "Quit Finder" option. You can run the two side...
  10. serpicolugnut

    Better than Panther...

    No, I don't work for Cocoatech, although I'll admit I'm sounding a little like a shill for them in this post. I'm promoting this software because, in my opinion, it is the finest piece of "shareware" developed for OS X. This is how the Finder should have been done from day one (of OS X). It's...
  11. serpicolugnut

    Motorola??? New PowerBooks?

    The year of the laptop can be construed as nothing less than a disaster for Apple. The 15" Powerbook is now over 10 months old. The 12" and 17" are 9 months old. This is a lifetime between product refreshes. The delay is obviously related to CPU problems. Motorola apparently can't even get...
  12. serpicolugnut

    Better than Panther...

    You can try Path Finder free for 21 days. After that, it's $35... Make sure you get the 2.5beta. It's the breakthrough release I've been referring to. Path Finder Beta
  13. serpicolugnut

    Better than Panther...

    Some clarifications... Path Finder already works well with Panther, so if you buy it now, it won't be obsolete once Panther is released. Also, the Panther Finder isn't Cocoa. It's a mixture of both Carbon and Cocoa technologies. For the last week, I've used Path Finder exclusively on my...
  14. serpicolugnut

    Better than Panther...

    If you are longing for the new features of Panther's Finder, you don't have to wait until Panthers release, and you don't have to shell out $129 for it... Cocoatech's Path Finder has really turned it up a notch, and outshines the OS X Finder by miles. If you haven't given it a try, you owe it...
  15. serpicolugnut

    Still think I'm over reacting?

    OK, I took a bit of flack a few months ago for suggesting that since Adobe was dropping Premiere for the Mac, that we should be wary of Adobe "reconsidering" Mac support in it's other key applications (PS, AI, ID and GL). Most of you thought I was jumping the gun a bit (which I was, but...
  16. serpicolugnut

    MX 2004 - New Macromedia Products

    Not to mention the recent release of DVD Studio Pro, After Effects 6, the upcoming release of Illustrator 11 and InDesign 3. Oi Vey! I think I liked it better when macromedia took 2.5 years between releases...
  17. serpicolugnut

    MX 2004 - New Macromedia Products

    $399 upgrade price? $499 if you opt for Flash "Professional"? This is a joke, right? Thankfully, I am now eligible for student pricing, otherwise, at these prices, I'd continue to make due with Studio MX 2002.
  18. serpicolugnut

    Is the Finder a Cocoa application in 10.3?

    Actually, it's both. Although still primarily a Carbon app, the new Finder makes use of several Cocoa calls/classes. Remember, you can mix and match Cocoa/Carbon for different purposes.
  19. serpicolugnut

    Web Publishing: HTML for 'Switchers'

    There are two freebie options on the Mac for HTML editing... TacoHTML is good for a nice, free HTML coding client. And for simple WYSIWYG, your only option sub $150 is Mozilla's Composer. It's actually getting quite robust and coming close to matching the featureset that PageMill had...
  20. serpicolugnut

    Well? Has anyone gotten their G5 yet?

    Well, this is exactly how the MDD G4s operate. Upon boot, all the fans kick on for about 10-20 seconds before the OS gets to the "blue screen" part of it's boot. At that point, the fans quiet to a normal volume...