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  1. serpicolugnut

    What Company Should Apple Buy Next?

    I think Apple should make two purchases, in seperate fields... First off, they should buy Roxio. Roxio will be entering the online music biz with a revamped Napster, and will probably be Apple's biggest competition (outside of MS, whenever they decide to jump in to the fray). In a Roxio...
  2. serpicolugnut

    Hidden Apple weapon of choice (iSight related)...

    Ooohhh. Me like. She can sell a hell of a lot of iSights... On a somewhat related note.... Now that the iSight is out... Do you think Apple will eventually make this thing cross platform and bring a version of iChat A/V to Windows, so as to broaden the potential audience (and make more...
  3. serpicolugnut

    The new Athen: Wow!

    Man, I hope that is just a "concept" PC and not a production prototype. The CPU (in the background) looks like a neon toaster, and the keyboard looks like it came right off the Atari1200XL. Microsoft has no style or class. What's shocking is that HP put their name on this thing. They...
  4. serpicolugnut

    Siamese twins

    Shades of Herve!
  5. serpicolugnut

    Why I Suck...

    You're only 17. You are expected to suck. Take some time, learn the craft. Work hard. Immerse yourself in information relevant to your your desires. Listen to people with experience in your field. Find out hey they do something, and then work on finding a new way of doing it. When you are as...
  6. serpicolugnut Music Store (the mighty merging of 3 threads)

    Show me one person who switched to a Mac just so he could use the iTunes Music Store 6 months before the PC version debuted... I don't buy it. iTunes itself has generated some PC envy, and as part of the whole iApp suite probably sold a few Macs to former PC users, but I doubt anybody...
  7. serpicolugnut Music Store (the mighty merging of 3 threads)

    Agreed. While I appreciate having something this cool months before Windows users, it does "tip Apples hand" to the other players in the business, and give them a good 6 month head start on Apple's Windows offering, which will be the real cash cow if done properly... And by properly, I mean done...
  8. serpicolugnut

    Web experience on OSX

    Getting Safari to work with every website is something Apple has set its sights on, but in reality, there are going to be some sites that just won't work with it due to no fault by Apple. There are moronic companies/web developers who, instead of using clearly defined standards, will opt for a...
  9. serpicolugnut

    Apple's is JUNK!

    Easy, just copy the Mail folder in the Library folder of the user you are copy from the the same location in the new user account. You will have to be logged in as root to do this, but it's ultra easy. Mail is not junk. Next question...?
  10. serpicolugnut

    Buying a Mac -- Help!

    Get the eMac... $1099 for a Superdrive enable G4 Mac is a pretty good deal...
  11. serpicolugnut

    g4 v g5

    Hey KSV, you are making quite a few assumptions here... First off, you are assuming a 1.8ghz G5 is going to be faster than a 1.25ghz dual G4. Without seeing any direct comparisons, since the G5s aren't shipping yet, that's quite a lark there. My guess is that the 1.8ghz G5 will run much faster...
  12. serpicolugnut

    g4 v g5

    I was asking myself the same question two weeks ago. The prices had plummeted on dual G4's and I had to take a long hard look at whether the dual 1.2ghz G4 or the single 1.6ghz G5 was the better deal... Here's the conclusion I came to... 1-First of all, the price on the G4 was $1399. It was a...
  13. serpicolugnut

    Looking for a bit of advice

    Just load OS X up on it. It won't run particularly fast, but it will be more than adequate for serving web pages. And OS X client comes with Apache and PHP built-in, so setup is a relative breeze. I'm running a dev server on a G3/266 MT w/ 256MB of RAM. It's plenty of power for serving...
  14. serpicolugnut

    Inquirer/AmdZone/DigitalVideoEditing Opteron vs Apple/IBM G5

    Let me say a few words about Charlie White... First off, he's a very credentialed individual. But his bias against Apple is so thick you'd need a army core of engineers to cut through it. Read his article on Premiere Pro. The man is clearly giddy with Premiere Pro not being available for...
  15. serpicolugnut

    82% use Macs...

    The print industry is always suffering from a chicken/egg scenario when it comes to software. Or more specific, a designer/service bureau scenario... The designer holds off on upgrading to the new version of Quark because he's concerned the Service Bureau who outputs his film or his plates...
  16. serpicolugnut

    82% use Macs...

    Never said it was a war. But Microsoft is Apple's biggest competitor, on many fronts. If you really think Microsoft needs Apple to live anymore, I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you. MS has come out of the Antitrust trial smelling like a rose. Besides, with Linux increasing in share, Microsoft...
  17. serpicolugnut

    82% use Macs...

    Yeah, but 1) they aren't standard UNIX versions, but versions specifically compiled for WinNT with their own quirks, and 2) aren't as easy to get up and running... All of my code nazi friends who use both Macs and Windows recognize BBEDit to be the better tool. I haven't used Homesite since...
  18. serpicolugnut

    1 TB G5 with 64 CPUs ???? Dark Star

    "a french site that usually carries good information"... Correct me if I'm wrong, but these guys haven't been right about any of their predictions. They missed the boat on the WWDC predictions by a mile....
  19. serpicolugnut

    82% use Macs...

    From a new study by IDG released today... "The Mac is clearly the operating system of choice for design and production firms, with 82% of all respondents naming the Mac as their primary OS. However, adoption of Mac OS X remains slow; only 17% of those polled have upgraded their systems to the...
  20. serpicolugnut

    Take that Adobe!

    Not if it keeps the user on the Mac platform, where Apple will make the money back in hardware upgrades over the life of the user... If the user was to ditch the Mac and buy a PC and continue with Premiere, Apple would have lost a customer for life, probably... Very shrewd on Apple's part...