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  1. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    Well it's not so simple to change the password of any user in 'Netinfo Manager' as Mac OS X is using shadowed passwords. There is a way, but it's rather convoluted, and if you can use 'Netinfo Manager' you can also use 'sudo passwd' in 'Terminal' which is way simpler :) Having said that, if...
  2. BjarneDM

    PHP/MySQL Database

    In a certain way, yes, except the way you've put the select statements is not the way it's done. See here - - for examples on how to do it.
  3. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    what result do you get now when running the command from ? Let me see your output from : niutil -list . /users
  4. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    If you can 'sudo' you aren't prompted for the old password of the account: [16:26:40@System]$ sudo passwd root Changing password for root. New password: Retype new password: [16:28:12@System]$ passwd Changing password for bjarne. Old password: New password: Retype new password...
  5. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    1) there are no dumb questions (unless it's something I've already answered ::angel:: ) 2) the '.' is more correctly the current domain. The local computer is '/' . So if you haven't changed domain in some way '.' and '/' are the same. The whole niutil and 'Netinfo Manager' is so bloody...
  6. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    You've forgotten to specify the domain. Please note the lowly '.' in the command. That's actually the domain (even though I forgot it in my example which thus properly should have been : sudo niutil -destroy . 29 There's no harm done as the command simply refused to run. It's strange how the...
  7. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    Lets start by taking a backup of the users just in case. If everything goes completely bonkers then we'll have the option of getting back to our starting point: nidump -r /users . > users.txt Next, we'll need to identify the id's of the problematic users. We can get the id's of every user...
  8. BjarneDM

    How to assign an AD user admin rights on a 10.4.2 client?

    Hmmm - I don't know much about AD and LDAPv3 authentication, but how about taking a look at 'Netinfo Manager' and the possibilites you have to assign users to the admin group there ?
  9. BjarneDM

    G4 iMac & Coffee Disaster

    See this for lots of information on taking the thing apart.
  10. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    well, to shorten the output at bit we can get each user on separate lines by treating the output from 'nidump' a bit more: echo -e $( nidump -r /users . | \ sed -nE -e '/(\{|"uid"|"name"|"realname"|"home"|\})/p' |\ tr -d '\n' | tr -s ' ' | sed -E 's/ \{/\\n\{/g' \...
  11. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    Apparently, but I'm still wondering about the missing 'whoami' information ! I definitely don't like that you don't get any response; it definitely means that !something! isn't as it should be :( Depends on what you want to back up. There are several way you can install X11 software: 1)...
  12. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    You seem to log in as root, as you get the '#' in the prompt A way to check is to use: sudo su - root ; and after having logged in to use: pwd The result of the last ought to be '/var/root' Double-check the root-settings. It looks as if you've got no name entry in the root account. The...
  13. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    1) If you have the Apple X11 installed you'll find it in /Applications/Utilities. If there's no there, you can post-install it from the Tiger DVD. 2) something seems to have gone wrong with your X11 preferences. They are in ~/Library/Preferences and are called and...
  14. BjarneDM

    cannot start MYSQL

    what does 'ls -ald /private/var/tmp' give as result ?
  15. BjarneDM

    How do web site designers make websites? (explained fully in post)

    1) You start off by doing a static page of each kind There'll most likely be pieces common to all pages. Time used on designing the common pieces: about a man-month Time used on designing the variable part of a page: about a man-month 2) Then you indentify the static and dynamic pieces of...
  16. BjarneDM

    Lost Account During An Installation Process

    hmmm ... 1) try this one from Terminal first: sudo find / -type f -iname '*jpg' | less but be prepared for a lot of output. It searches your whole HD for files ending in 'jpg' regardless of case, and sends the output into a viewer. Try 'man less' in Terminal for instructions on using less ...
  17. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    Forget about using DarwinPorts and installing Gimp through there. Install Gimp from the link I posted. I doesn't require anything else than what you've already available in Mac OS X.
  18. BjarneDM

    Compiling Postfix with MySQL support for Mac OS X client

    This guide has the pre-requisite that you've installed MySQL as described here: Create and enter the folder we'll use to build from: mkdir -p ~/WebServer/Postfix cd ~/WebServer/Postfix In the above folder save the following as...
  19. BjarneDM

    Compiling PHP5 for Apple Apache 1.3

    One of my correspondents had some trouble gettin the last part of the install script (the imap-uw part) to work at patching failed. Thus, I came up with this alternative. It'll also work with Mac OS X 10.4, and might actually be preferable if you don't want to use imap-uw as your POP3/IMAP...
  20. BjarneDM

    Compiling PHP5 for Apple Apache 1.3

    change the following two lines: change: to: --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs \ --with-apxs2=/Library/Apache2/bin/apxs \ --with-expat-dir=/usr/X11R6 \ --with-expat-dir=/Library/Apache2 \