Search results

  1. BjarneDM

    does not run php test.php

    you've got several problems 1) if at present you are seeing the sourcecode at the url you've specified you are not running your Apache2 but the Apache1.3 from Apple. You'll have to turn off personal file sharing and use the prefPane that came with Serverlogistics to enable Apache2 2) as...
  2. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    1) :mad: When making modification to very clear instuctions it's bl**dy important to tell the one having given the instructions that you've done so. You've mangled the process and left me trying to find out what has gone wrong with my instructions even though the bl**dy fault is all yours :mad...
  3. BjarneDM

    Compling MySQL for Mac OS X client

    The version of MySQL you can get from the MySQL homepage doesn't seem to have the shared libraries needed to enable PHP to connect to MySQL. Thus, we'll have to compile MySQL ourselves. Create and enter the folder we'll use to compile from: mkdir -p ~/WebServer/MySQL cd ~/WebServer/MySQL...
  4. BjarneDM

    Compiling PHP5 for Apple Apache 1.3

    I've recently had a support question on how to compile PHP5 with gd as the 4.3.11 included with Tiger doesn't have that library activated. A pre-requisite is of course to install the complete Apple XCode environment -otherwise you won't have any compilers installed and everything will fail...
  5. BjarneDM

    How to open httpd.conf with regular editor

    It's possible get TextEdit to edit and save sytem files. The various ways are described here:
  6. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    Thanks for the feed-back ::love:: I'm glad that some are taking my effort to heart :)
  7. BjarneDM

    Newbie to terminal scripting

    A nice tutorial is found here: Now, in 'Terminal' you can write 'man ssh' and 'man telnet' and get a lot of information about these commands. You can use the up and down arrow keys to scroll line-by-line and [space] and [u] to...
  8. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    The major problems are that he is blundering around in the system like an elephant in an antiques store; and is very bad at giving feed-back; and very bad at following instructions to the letter. I do think that I've rescued his 'root' and 'nobody' accounts, BUT it would have been very nice...
  9. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    You are just so wrong. 1) There's nothing wrong with prefixing with 'sudo'; I might be going a little bit far, but it's working. And there is a difference: If you use just 'su' you'll be prompted for the password of the user you want to switch to; if you use 'sudo su' you'll be prompted for...
  10. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    1) the './darwinports 1.1' should hopefully have written a lot of stuff on the screen and taken about half an hour to finish 2) I'm puzzled as to how you get that result. Are you sure you entered that command *exactly* as written and that you didn't forget the '/'. 3) why is there a...
  11. BjarneDM

    Target Disk Freezes While It Is Connected. Suggestions?

    completely bogus answer. they are just passing the buck on instead of providing a useful answer: . I've never ever had a program crash due to ape. If unsanity are right in their claims, then if you are running...
  12. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    1) did DarwinPorts get installed (it would have been nice if you had told whether it had or not)(you've !still! got at lot to learn about reporting pertinent and helpful facts) 2) what does this command yield : ls -al / | grep da.* 3) what does this command yield : echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n} |...
  13. BjarneDM

    database and website

    1) read one or more book on PHP and MySQL 2) get hold of a GUI interface to MySQL
  14. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    Read my comment 0 in on how to report problems. !PLEASE! follow those guidelines. If you don't do that I won't help you any further.
  15. BjarneDM

    Lost Account During An Installation Process

    1) Create a completely new user account, !but! for the short name use a name with at most 8 letters - like 'robin' 2) log in as your new 'robin' account 3) log in as 'root' and start Terminal 4) execute: chown -R robin:robin robingag* 5) repeat 2) you should now be able to get hold of...
  16. BjarneDM

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    OK - so you are trying to install DarwinPort by compiling it yourself. They've actually got a *.dmg you can download (even though I haven't tried it since I'm compling DarwinPorts from source myself too because I'm making changes to the default installation) 1) ./configure should *not*...
  17. BjarneDM

    iMac as monitor?

    OK - I stand corrected on the *original* iMac with a CRT screen. And you didn't specify that your tip was for the original iMac either. But we've had the 'Luxo' model and the new G5 iMac since then. I've had my 800MHz 2002 iMac disassembled a few times and I can't remember a VGA connector...
  18. BjarneDM

    iMac as monitor?

    Oh, yeah: and which version OS they are running.
  19. BjarneDM

    iMac as monitor?

    Not directly, but you can use vnc. But for more specific advise !please! specify the models involved.