Search results

  1. BjarneDM

    drop box permissions

    1) your are having too many 'rw's : there can be only three: Owner, Group, Others. 2) you are stating that the folder action is working when storing locally, but not when storing over the network. Possible solutions: a) change the permissions on the dropbox to be rwxrwxrwx. Permissions...
  2. BjarneDM

    Movie Security

    As the article says: no protection technique is perfect. My guess is that you'll only be able to do the first part with the 'tnav' thing. That should be insertable by your movie editor - at least the professional ones that have capabilities way beyound QuickTime itself. You are referencing...
  3. BjarneDM

    Nat Error

    More information please !!! You are giving us almost !!!NOTHING!!! to work with :-( A coherent question with at much information as possible should be a mandatory starting point. Would you phone your doctor and over the phone just say:" I'm feeling sick. Please tell me what's wrong!" and...
  4. BjarneDM

    Safari/Firefox Help

    1) /etc/hosts is looking exactly like it should. There's nothing wrong with that file. You shouldn't be that concerned with anything bad happening in the Unix part of the system as modifying files there will demand at least administrative rights and a prompt for your admin password. 2) when...
  5. BjarneDM

    Error installing PHP5 on mac os x 10.3.9

    The compiler can't find the libxml2 libraries needed for --with-xml Two options: 1) change --with-xml to --disable-xml (actually, --with-xml is superflous according to 2) change --with-xml to --with-libxml-dir=/usr/include/libxml2/libxml . If you...
  6. BjarneDM

    Mysql 5

    I'm a bit lost as to !why! you don't have the same libraries as I do, but that's at least the origin of your problem. Now, you are specifying that you are running Tiger, but 1) which version - eg 10.4.0, 10.4.1 or 10.4.2 ? 2) have you installed all of the security updates ? 3) how did you...
  7. BjarneDM

    Mysql 5

    well, something seems to have gone wrong with your libraries. try this in Terminal and see what turns up: cd /usr/lib ; ls -l *curses* on my systems I get the following: [16:07:48@lib]$ cd /usr/lib ; ls -l *curses* lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 20 Oct 18 15:36 libcurses.dylib ->...
  8. BjarneDM

    Built-in Webserver accepting .htaccess

    Can you post the .htaccess file here ? There are !so! many things that can go wrong in .htaccess files. Also, please note that many redirects and file paths are *absolute* paths, which means that they'll have to be modified when you move settings from one machine to another. Also, what's...
  9. BjarneDM

    Lost Account During An Installation Process

    That was very, very stupid ! It's wise to *always* let an installation process run it's course and then make the necessary modifications later. Now, we need to use a couple of utilities to clean up your mess! !But! we need to get very nerdy in order to find out what stuff is where and how to...
  10. BjarneDM

    Migrating MySQL databases from 10.3 to 10.4 install

    1) how did you install MySQL ? I'm aware of at least 5 different ways of installing, so it would be nice to know *what* you've installed 2) what's the result of this command in Terminal : mysqladmin --user='root' --password='******' variables | grep 'datadir' 3) It's possible to use...
  11. BjarneDM


    That's not the problem. The problem is that user-directories hasn't been activated. Or that the file has been placed in the wrong place. The location of the htdocs folder tells me that Serverlogistics Apache2 has been installed. By default, it hasn't activated the user-directories. The...
  12. BjarneDM

    Help! Gallery & PHP can't get off the ground

    1) please give URLs to the software you've installed 2) if you are seeing php-code then php hasn't been activated in your httpd.conf file : 3) Mac OS X *doesn't* come with MySQL. If MySQL is a requirement, you'll...
  13. BjarneDM

    shows php source code instead of result

    That's very probably because php hasn't been activated in your httpd.conf file See here on how to activate: The necessary modifications to your installation should be obvious ;-) Then re-start the Apache2 server.
  14. BjarneDM

    Howto Specify a Group Using Access Control Lists

    doesn't seem possible. none of the the documentation I've found seems to destinguish between users and groups in any way. the Workgrup Manager on X 10.4 Server also seems to treat users and groups as a whole. for screenshots and discussions see here...
  15. BjarneDM

    Ical 2.0.1 Publish to Webdav Server

    We've just had a discussion in a danish news group regarding this very same problem. It seems as if iCal !dosn't! send the authentication even though it says so. See these log extracts: 213.237.x.x - s022518 [27/Oct/2005:10:48:23 +0200] "PROPFIND /02120/webdav/ HTTP/1.1" 207 559 213.237.x.x...