Movie Security


Mac Enthusiast
I'm currently looking at ways to safeguard some QuickTime movies I've made for my website that stops people doing things like editing, re-saving and renaming certain things like titles in them.

In my search I came across this site:

Does anyone know how to do what it says in here? Or can give me any tips?
As the article says: no protection technique is perfect.

My guess is that you'll only be able to do the first part with the 'tnav' thing. That should be insertable by your movie editor - at least the professional ones that have capabilities way beyound QuickTime itself.

You are referencing the developer pages and that's for programmers - not movie editors.

What your are looking for can be found here under 'webmaster tools':
In particular should the first of these two address your problem:
You're talking about DRM. DRM is a pipe dream. You cannot give a person a file in a usable format, and control what they do with them.

I recommend putting a clear copyright notice on your website, and trusting your users to read it.