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  1. Tetano

    Itunes 'unexpectedly quit'

    Unless you absolutely require speech recognition and speech synthesis, I would try turning off all speech functions in System Preferences > Speech and see if that solves the problem.
  2. Tetano

    Itunes 'unexpectedly quit'

    can you post the crash log?
  3. Tetano

    does anyone USE spotlight?

    I find it extremely useful when I have to prepare my scientific presentations... in many cases, I have to extract and merge slides from other presentations, and if they're a bit old it's not so easy to remember the name I chose... or also where I placed them...
  4. Tetano

    MSN messenger

    contact the LAN administrator, maybe he was told to block IM...
  5. Tetano

    "netsend" How To

    thanx nixgeek in particular for the first link!
  6. Tetano

    "netsend" How To

    try "netsend IP whatyouwanttosay..."...
  7. Tetano

    Setting a shared folder from the terminal

    I've a friend who's trying to set on his Mac running Tiger a sharing folder that can be accessed by some PCs on his LAN, and who wants that other stuff on his machine can be seen from the PCs.. I tried to convince to use Sharepoints, but he doesn't want to use it... :rolleyes: I think that...
  8. Tetano

    Anti-Virus programs for 10.4.1?

    Well, if you install only trusty files, you shouldn't have problems... obviously, if you download tons of apps from p2p, you can encounter some troubles... but since now, I haven't heard of anyone being infected by a malware in macosx...
  9. Tetano

    Anti-Virus programs for 10.4.1?

    well, the main reason is that for install any software on your mac you have to enter an administrator password, therefore you have to install the virus by yourself... of course, a virus can be written to work in mac os x...
  10. Tetano

    Accessing Hotmail in Mail should be enough...
  11. Tetano

    Connecting a PB(10.4.1) to a Windows server 2003

    I connect to windows machine here at work by clicking [apple]+[k], the typing smb://windowsmachineip you should then be asked username and password (of the pc side), and then the volume to mount...
  12. Tetano

    Bluetooth Phone Wakeup?

    You can try Salling Clicker, now my computer says hello when I come back...
  13. Tetano

    Tiger Mail Wont Send!

    verify in the outgoing server if you need to authenticate before sending an e-mail... on my was set by default and was causing me many problems sending emails...
  14. Tetano

    seems strange to me...

    ok, I've restarted and now also in the get info panel I've the right settings...
  15. Tetano

    seems strange to me...

    oh, sorry, I've seen the attachment and I forgot to add a red circle on the problem... the fact is that when I tried to find an excel file that I knew it was in my document folder, spotlight didn't work... I then decide to manually go to the document folder, I had a 'you don't have the...
  16. Tetano

    seems strange to me...

    maybe it's normal and I've never noticed it, but I don't think so... I first noticed it while try to locate an excel file... already repaired permissions...
  17. Tetano

    Inbox is (Read Only)

    try to first repair permissions on your volume for disk utility... you can find this app in Applications/Utilty/Disk Utility, then select the First Aid Tab, select your volume and click on repair permissions...
  18. Tetano

    Laptop PC processor speeds Vs Mac's

    Speaking about CPUs, sorry...
  19. Tetano

    Can't mount USB drives, CDs, .dmg disc image files or run drive related software.

    you can try to boot from your installation disk, and run disk utility from there... give it a try, and see if it helps... but it seems that your system is really messed up, so I'd go with anarchive and install... it will keep your files and preferences...
  20. Tetano

    annoying safari issue

    post the crash log, maybe we can determine from it wat is causing your issue...