Search results

  1. uoba

    html FormMail

    What are you expecting this form to do? The way you have it at present, it will open up the user's e-mail app (Outlook Express, or whatever) and input the form details in a new e-mail. such as: Name=Name E-Mail Address=Whatever Newsletter=Sign Up It's then up to the user...
  2. uoba

    Need some space....

    Hehe... never under(over?)-estimate the client?
  3. uoba

    Why do we keep old posts?

    or the history of tree ;)
  4. uoba

    Mac OS X 10.3.3 (7F24) and Safari 1.2 Seeded

    Ooh, good question... sick of spending ages developing a print CSS file, only for it to mean nothing in Safari :(
  5. uoba

    List of Macs You Have Owned

    Hmmm... 1979-1984 BBC Micro B 1984-1985 Sinclair ZX Spectrum + 1986-1994 Atari ST 1996-1998 Apple Mac 8200 2000-? Apple Mac G4 400 Apple Powerbook G3 Apple Powerbook G4 400 Apple Mac G4 466...
  6. uoba

    Designer Wannabe

    It'd help you to organise your fonts into type-classifications. Such as: Sans Serif Serif Block Display Script Symbols If you don't know what these are, then I'd suggest getting a book about type/typography. I remember Eric Spiekermann's Stop Stealing Sheep being fairly good for...
  7. uoba

    new buttons

    Ah, that makes sense... still not fussy though. It's the typeface.
  8. uoba

    new buttons

    they looked like squashed images when you get the width wrong (sorry). Just the type really, change that and it'd be better (and tone down the anti-aliasing, doesn't look too hot on an LCD).
  9. uoba

    NeoOffice/J 0.9 released

    Hehe... Fryke, I remember your web site about getting a collection of apps together to make a psuedo office collection. Ah, Okito!
  10. uoba

    domain name hosting...

    To host your own domain, you need to use Bind (not sure if it's in OS X, it's normally sitting in Linux). However, I've never got round to messing with DNS. I need to look into his myself because I'm trying to set-up several VirtualHosts on my machine. Anyway, concerning your problem. Do...
  11. uoba

    Bill Gates bashes world + dog...

    It's all right, they'll release a service pack to distinguish him in time ;)
  12. uoba

    Jan 24th predictions / 20th Anniversary.

  13. uoba

    OS X app privileges across SMB Linux share

    Yes, I set up as the Unix user. Using the smbpasswd command (file): smbpasswd -u username So, it's running as the user I have on the Unix machine as well (which is a Suse box). When you mean allowing it to execute, do you mean as everybody else as well? i.e. rwxrwx--x (as mentioned...
  14. uoba

    Home made improvements to subwoofer...

    You'll be limited to the quality and strength of the speaker. But you could try compression or filtering (but you'd need some kit to do this (unless you run all your tracks through software compression/equalisation first (iTunes has an equaliser, you could superficially bump up the bass)). If...
  15. uoba

    Mac OS X Security Update 2004-01-26

    Way to go with your first post :) :)
  16. uoba

    OS X app privileges across SMB Linux share

    Seems as if all apps crash (not just BBEdit/Photoshop). Normally I would connect as you say (Connect to Server -- Apple-K) with smb://ipaddress/share Like I said, it would sort of indicate itself as a permissions problem, but the applications have no problem simply saving (as opposed to...
  17. uoba

    iLife '04: Don't waste your money

    I'm going out tomorrow to get a life... sorry iLife. ;)
  18. uoba

    How can get netwerk between macosx en windows 98

    Hmmm... well, as long as your PC is on the same network as the Mac (i.e. they have similar IP numbers such as & (or whatever)), then in XP you need to: 1. Open My Network Places (normally in the Start Menu) 2. Click on Add a Network Place 3. Press Next 4...
  19. uoba

    cell / mobile phone emulator software...

    Spend a couple of hundred quid on the latest phones and browse from them... genius ;)
  20. uoba

    Apache 2 complete

    Pengu is correct. Apache is one of those facilities that, once configured correctly, can happily exist without being touched for months, even years. Hence, not everyone has jumped onto the v2 release quite simply because 1.3 does it's job very well. Maybe you would find 2 easier to use. I...