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  1. adambyte

    Where is/what is the Cuss Thread?

    "Fryke" kind of sounds like a cuss word already, really. "Aw, fryke! Where'd I put my keys!" ... "Oh, fryke! There's a midget in my soup!" ... "What the fryke is that?" ... "Fryke you!"
  2. adambyte

    Usb Gps?

    I think if you get the pro version, you can do something like this via Google Earth, which will talk to your GPS unit via USB... I am trying to decide between retrofitting a Mac with Google Earth in my car with a cheap hiking GPS, which would get roads and stuff via the internet on my bluetooth...
  3. adambyte

    Kitten vs Front Row

    Our cat used to chew on power wires until he got a little shock. We think he did it for the little "buzz" it provided. He lived to a very ripe old age despite his weird addiction to electricity.
  4. adambyte

    Advice on DVD camcorders

    No, no... not Mini-DVD (which is a disc).... Mini DV (which is a small tape). Get a tape-based camera with a FireWire or i.Link port (same thing).
  5. adambyte

    I have made the switch!!

    Short Answer: Yes, That's it. Slightly Longer Answer: No... there are probably going to be a couple "preference" files hanging around in your "Preference" folder in your "library" that's in your user folder. The reality is, they are usually extremely tiny (4k) and it makes no difference if you...
  6. adambyte

    Looking for a music player

    I assume you mean that when you added the files to your iTunes Library, it started actually COPYING the files.... Sounds like you want to do this... From the iTunes menu, choose "Preferences" Click "Advanced" icon Uncheck the option "Copy files to ITUnes Music folder when adding to library"...
  7. adambyte

    How to play .m3u files on Mac OSX?

    .m3u files are MP3 audio streams. THey can be listend to just fine using iTunes. If, for some reason, when you double-click it, it doesn't use iTunes to open it, just drag teh .m3u file on top of the iTunes icon to open it.
  8. adambyte

    AAC files

    Hmmm... I seem to recall some sort of utility that strips the encryption information out of iTunes store-bought files... but I forget if it turned things into regular .m4a or .aac format..... Hrmmm.... I also don't know if it works anymore... it's probably been crippled by Apple's updates...
  9. adambyte

    AAC files

    Hmm... QuickTime Pro or Compressor (which comes with Final Cut... which, if you have Final Cut, means you also got a QT Pro license) are the ways I know of doing it. Sowwy. I'd go with just changing the .m4a extension to .aac ... It will probably work.
  10. adambyte

    Free "Get Blown Away" poster....

    That's weird. This ad used to be for Memorex. My dad (a complete audio-phile) remembers them showing this while playing Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" and the tag was "Is it live, or is it Memorex?" Did Maxell buy Memorex when I wasn't paying attention?
  11. adambyte

    aspect ratio conversion for mpeg2 video

    I'm pretty sure the sound would be just fine... The sequence presets include all sorts of things, including MPEG-2. Sound may have to be "rendered," in order to hear it within Final Cut, but if that works, everything should be fine upon export...
  12. adambyte

    aspect ratio conversion for mpeg2 video

    You could.... throw it into a Final Cut sequence where the aspect ratio is 4:3, then export. That would give you black bars.
  13. adambyte

    Anyone know how to...

    My favorite webcam app is EvoCam. It is incredibly full-featured. If there's something you want a webcam to do, it can probably do it... including take a picture when there is motion in a user-defined part of the screen, or whatever, and then upload it to a site, save multiple ones in a folder...