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  1. G

    create iso from dvd

    I found out Disk Utility by now. But that wouldn't be an ISO still. Though this should be enough for now.
  2. G

    create iso from dvd

    Hello, I'm trying to create an iso file from a DVD. I come from linux and there it'd be dd if=/dev/rdisk1 of=/Users/username/Desktop/movie.iso I tried a few things with the CD-drive mounted and unmounted but all he does is creating an empty file on my desktop. That's the...
  3. G

    marble blast gold gone

    The full version of Marble Blast was installed by default on my mac. Just bought it a week ago. I like the game very much and I'd like to have it again, but I don't know how.
  4. G

    brackets on my ibook g4

    Awesome, I found them all with your tips :D () are on the keyboard so no combination needed. { = ALT + ( } = ALT + ) [ = ALT + SHIFT + ( ] = ALT + SHIFT + ) \ = ALT + SHIFT + : The only thing left now is getting used to them to type them at top programming speed :p Thanks a lot both of you.
  5. G

    brackets on my ibook g4

    No it doesn't, that's really weird. I just queried google images for 'ibook G4 keyboard' and come with loads of pics of the same keybaord as you showed me. But mine is a bit different, not much. Don't have those buttons I need for one. Keyboard layout is belgian. Ah, I just noticed yours is...
  6. G

    brackets on my ibook g4

    Hello, I bought myself an iBook G4 for school work, and more specificly for programming purpose. I've used linux for a while and read good stuff about Mac so I decided to give it a go, hooray for my first Mac computer. For programming there are a few characters I need a lot: [ \ ] { }...
  7. G

    marble blast gold gone

    Hi, Somehow I managed to delete the standard installed game Marble Blast and I would like to have it back, without having to pay for it off course. I looked on the install CD and I found a package named 'CPU_MarbleBlast.pkg', but when I try installing it says something about Upgrading a...