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  1. habilis

    I need a new IP

    If I hit "Renew DHCP Lease" will that give me a new IP? I go through Adelphia, and if I call them and ask them to change my IP do you think they would? Anybody have experience with this?
  2. habilis

    Totally uninspired by Tiger

    Apple is really reaching this time with "Tiger". Stock quotes and weather are so 1998. C'mon guys, "Handy Widgets???" - yeah we've had these barely-useful "Widgets" on my toothbrush for the last 5 years. Everything else is just a cluster of uninspiring updates and bug fixes.
  3. habilis

    S.U.: Email messages sent from a single machine can be identified?

    fryke, I can understand where you gather that I'm spammer but I'm an importer of eastern religious items from Southeast Asia and therabouts, on Ebay as a powerseller and I also sell from catalog and have a very large customer email database that gets sent email newletters, etc...
  4. habilis

    S.U.: Email messages sent from a single machine can be identified?

    that makes sense, but they won't be comming anywhere near my knocker even if they tried. cryptographic hash - nice lingo.
  5. habilis

    S.U.: Email messages sent from a single machine can be identified?

    Security Update states a vulnerability within Apple Mail: Component: Mail Available for: Mac OS X v10.3.7 Client, Mac OS X Server v10.3.7 CVE-ID: CAN-2005-0127 Impact: Email messages sent from a single machine can be identified Description: A GUUID containing an identifier...
  6. habilis

    I shut down an eBay scam!

    yeah the only problem is this scammer is operating off a hacked server and has the reply bounced off 6 different countries and retrives the text files from a public IP so there's no way in hell you'll ever bust the guy. And that's if you're lucky, because most likely, this guy is operating...
  7. habilis

    Arafats mysterious ailment

    Or it means I already answered. The answer should have been self-explanatory if you were paying attention to what I said about getting lost in the details. Bloke you're still lost. The end results are all that matter. Time will pass, and history will show very simply who brought freedom to the...
  8. habilis

    Arafats mysterious ailment

    Actually I already did answer this by not answering it. The only way forward is forward. In a war this dynamic and everchanging, so too must we change with it. Priorities change in a war. Mistakes are often made and lessons are learned from them. While many want to look back, now with...
  9. habilis

    Arafats mysterious ailment

    I like it. Yes, it's true, but all is fair in love an war. How long were the native American Indians living here before we won the land? Close to 10,000 years or so. And if you believe this sort of thing, then the indians have stolen Neaderthal and Cro-Magnon land(not to mention, hunted them to...
  10. habilis

    Arafats mysterious ailment

    bloke I've already addressed your accusations that the Israeli's are worse then the Palestinians. You cite anecdotal evidence from supposed friends who saw things in supposed places. I challenge you to show me statistics of the percentage of schools in Israel that actively teach state sponsored...
  11. habilis

    Arafats mysterious ailment

    That's a typical defense mechanism of the left when they start losing an argument, an act of desperation I've heard many times. It's simple bloke, when you can't win idealogically, ATTACK the opponents character. It was the basis for the ENTIRE Kerry campaign and here it is in a microcosm...
  12. habilis

    Arafats mysterious ailment

    I'm an atheist, so I don't get hung up on the word 'evil' but there's a manifestation of extreme cruelty in all of us that can be germinated in children with a gentle sprinkling of hate. This equates the word, no religious connection. The level of evil is not equal on both sides here. This is...
  13. habilis

    Arafats mysterious ailment

    I think avoiding escalation is all up to Hamas and Hezbollah at this point since these groups refuse to acknowledge Israel's existance, refuse to cooperate with the peace process, constantly try to derail any progress in the 'Roadmap' to peace by homicide bombing, and they teach this hateful...
  14. habilis

    Arafats mysterious ailment

    Egypt has offered him a final resting place, Israel says you can't bury the guy in Jurusalem, the funeral is already being planned but Arafat's wife says he's not dead yet. wtf. I don't care how bad off I am, it ain't over till it's over - don't bury me till I'm dead. On my way to work this...
  15. habilis

    Arafats mysterious ailment

    bloke, the only thing you left out was the entire other side of the story - and the big picture(kinda like mainstream media). You don't have to worry about habilis being misled or tricked. My beliefs are an accumulation of 10 years in politics. I started out as a liberal just like you and one...
  16. habilis

    Arafats mysterious ailment

    I support realistic gradual advances that end in results. While the left supports crowd-pleasing platitudes that only serve to build bigger and bigger bureaucracies. For example: The left has been promising a paradise to the inner city blacks for 35 years, promising them a new life and a way...
  17. habilis

    Arafats mysterious ailment

    C'mon pds, that's like asking me what would I do if I was Hitler. I can't answer that. I can't pretend to come from a mind full of hate. I would say let's call it quits TODAY, lets call a truce and work towards a permanent peace so both sides can prosper. I would dismantle all the hate groups...
  18. habilis

    Arafats mysterious ailment

    This view is so typical from the Europeans and the Kerry-left, it's really just sad that they think so poorly of humanity.
  19. habilis

    US Presidential Race

    Hardcore? Ya don't have to be hardccore to know that MM is out of touch and has lost all significant credibility. You wanna be objective? See Farenhype 9/11, the answer to MM's loony conspiracy theory. This poll clearly shows the obvious; most people that are members of forum-type sites are...
  20. habilis

    Arafats mysterious ailment

    The death of Arafat(The worlds best known terrorist, second only to bin Lauden and Saddam) is just another nail in the coffin of oppression and a great chance for real change in that troubled part of the world. Naysayers on the left will try their best to spin it negatively, after all, another...