US Presidential Race

If the election were today (and you were registered US voter) who would you vote for?

  • Kerry/Edwards

  • Bush/Cheney

  • Ralph Nader

  • Other (specify)

  • Undecided

  • Would not vote (even if I could)

Results are only viewable after voting.
lnoelstorr said:
...except the hard-core Republicans...
Hardcore? Ya don't have to be hardccore to know that MM is out of touch and has lost all significant credibility. You wanna be objective? See Farenhype 9/11, the answer to MM's loony conspiracy theory.

This poll clearly shows the obvious; most people that are members of forum-type sites are young and unwise in the ways of the world(Although I still consider myself young at 29). This poll shows that the myths of class envy perpetrated by the left is something young people fall victim too very easily, and rebellion is still alive and well, but doesn't control the world.
If rebellion controlled the world, it would cease to be rebellion, wouldn't it? It would become "the man" at the point, no?