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  1. AdmiralAK

    For those who want to keep PowerPC...

    Personally I am ready to kiss the PPC goodbye - just like I kissed my 68040 goodbye. My mac experience, over the years, has gotten better. I started using a mac with the Mac (68000). For a little while I backsteped to an Apple IIGs (running a MOS6502), then to Performa 635CD --> PowerMac G3 B&W...
  2. AdmiralAK

    What to call "them"...

    Intel Mac makes more sense. Think of the naming conventions used today: 1. 68k Mac (or Mac 68k depending on who you ask) 2. PowerPC Mac (or Mac PPC depending on who you ask) 3. Intel Mac is logical. I read that the x86 is really a legacy thing now, and apple might not even go with the...
  3. AdmiralAK

    OS X Leopard

    Is the finder finally completely cocoa?
  4. AdmiralAK

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    Apple could attempt to use the WINE libraries....of course they kind of suck ;) VPC and VMware talk directly to the hardware, the intel-mac VPC version can do the same. Not to mention that apple can make some soft of "emulation" software to tae advantage of other x86 OSes and software, not M$...
  5. AdmiralAK

    Why did you buy your Mac ?

    The OS...definately the OS. I started using the Mac in the DOS days, and it kicked serious heiney back then and still does now. I had an option to get an x86 laptop last year when I upgraded but when with the mac because of (1) previously owned software (2) lickably great powerbooks and (3) Panther
  6. AdmiralAK

    OS X Leopard

    this saddens me :( On the other hand, WINE... running of windows apps, and other x86 apps within the macOS, no need to dual-boot. What processor are they going to start to use ? All the details are sketchy.... argh! why no webcast! :mad:
  7. AdmiralAK

    Keynote URL?

    macosrumorslive stopped working for me. macscoop and macworld are live it says the rumors are true, but nothing more... this is killing me :eek:
  8. AdmiralAK

    Keynote URL?

    damn :(
  9. AdmiralAK

    Keynote URL?

    eerr... I knew that there would be a smartarse in the bunch ;) no...seriously you know which keynote I am talking about ;)
  10. AdmiralAK

    Keynote URL?

    cant seem to find a link on apple's website. anyone know the URL?
  11. AdmiralAK

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    well...T-minus one hour to find out ;) Dont worry...take it easy...breathe! The first rumors of this came out in 2000, we've outlived them ;)
  12. AdmiralAK

    Diablo II native on OS X?

    Thanks :)
  13. AdmiralAK

    Diablo II native on OS X?

    Does Blizzard have Diablo II natively for OS X ? I bought the game and the expansion pack in the days of OS 9. I know I can run it through classic but I would prefer not to. I looked at their support page and I saw nothing to that effect Any ideas ?
  14. AdmiralAK

    converting MS-ACCESS database files from .mdb to mac osx please?

    In responce to Filemaker being bad... I must disagree. Our small dept (15 or so clients) works great with FMP, and we've been on it for the last 7 years. While I like SQL, I prefer FMP for what we are doing....and yes I do use it on a laptop :). The only problem I have with it is that it needs...
  15. AdmiralAK

    "Voyager 1" leaves solar system

    so, any signs of life out there ? ;)
  16. AdmiralAK

    Netscape kills safari bookmark file - recovery hopeless?

    well the person who did this was running Panther with pre 2.0 safari. She already started making the bookmarks list from scratch. I said something like 'if only you had installed tiger..." (which she has had for 3 weeks already) ... but I got an angry look :p lol
  17. AdmiralAK

    Netscape kills safari bookmark file - recovery hopeless?

    I tried importing my safari bookmarks into Netscape. Instead of selecting "export" from safari, I opted to import the plist file. Through some weird and unexplained behavior, bookmarks were not imported, and the plist file is 4k (all my bookmarks are gone!) Anyway to get them back painlessly...
  18. AdmiralAK

    Rainbow Six 3

    I have rainbow six 3: athena sword, and raven shield. I use the KB and mouse :) The game rocks! (although I stink! I keep getting killed :p)
  19. AdmiralAK

    Dashboard Clock Hack

    anyway to make the clocks digital? While I like the langley spook look on my powerbook, I prefer digital :)
  20. AdmiralAK

    A Windows Freak...
