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  1. kenny

    MSN Messenger 3.5 Released

    ...and now I can't connect to any of Microsoft's sites... (, mactopia, expedia)... Coincidence? ;)
  2. kenny

    Connecting Mac, Tungsten using Bluetooth to surf web

    I found this article at to be very helpful in setting up this very thing. I did this with my iBook and it worked great. I've never seen WebPro work that quickly.... ;) You do, apparently need 10.2.x to make it work though... I did this with 10.2.4 with a Tungsten T....
  3. kenny

    Help me convince work to let me have a Mac

    I didn't know about SecureCRT. Looks like a nice bit o' software, but for $99, it'd better be... And, maybe that's part of the argument. All of this is included with MacOSX/X11, as far as I know...
  4. kenny

    Help me convince work to let me have a Mac

    Maybe this will help. Maybe someone from where I work will read this and I'll get fired for hanging a personal machine off the corporate network (we have the same policy)... Oh well... :) I also do sysadmin work on a number of solaris machines and I use my PowerBook when I can to do my work...
  5. kenny

    uControl (What's this guy running on?)

    (The following rant should not be taken personally; I've seen this kind of posting before from others. I'm not trying to start a flame-fest here) For some reason, this post really bugs me. Maybe it's the notion that because the caps-lock was always there with typewriters, that we should be...
  6. kenny

    Firewall and M$ Word question

    It's benign. I just ran this with ethereal running to check, and it's related to the anti-'piracy' check that Word runs at startup to ensure that there are no other copies of Word/Office running on the local network using the same regkeys. I've looked at the startup announcement (again, with...
  7. kenny

    uControl (What's this guy running on?)

    Unfortunately, Finder won't work. The owner/permissions are such that one needs to be root (sudo) to remove them.
  8. kenny

    Transferring from one iMac to a new iBook

    No, it's not. Ethernet on the iBook maxxes out at 100Mbps, while Firewire has a maximum speed of 400Mbps...
  9. kenny

    uControl (What's this guy running on?)

    Oh, and Brad, we're not ignoring you... really.. :) To remove uControl manually, go to a terminal, and run the following 3 commands: sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/uControl.kext sudo rm -rf /Library/StartupItems/uControl sudo rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/uControl.prefPane...
  10. kenny

    uControl (What's this guy running on?)

    Me too... :) I had uControl installed a long time ago, and when it started causing kernel panics at startup I had to remove it. I'd like to see the key remapping thing too... Thanks :) Edit: Never mind... Edit (again)...
  11. kenny

    Transferring from one iMac to a new iBook

    Actually, with an iBook, any standard cat5 ethernet cable will do; it doesn't have to to be crossover. The iBooks and PowerBooks all have autosensing to work out whether the cable needs to be crossover or straight-through and will configure its own port accordingly. It impressed the heck out...
  12. kenny

    Reconfiguring Cable Modem

    What is the actual address that you're getting? If it's 169.254.x.x, you're not getting an address from the ISP; that's a self-assigned address when DHCP is unavailable. Some cable companies will only lease addresses to "registered" machines, based on the MAC (ethernet hardware) address...
  13. kenny

    Transferring from one iMac to a new iBook

    What vintage iMac? If it has FireWire, you could put the iBook in Target Disk mode, then copy your User folder and whatever applications (and whatever else) you want to keep to the iBook. If the iMac lacks Firewire, you can still do it with sharing over ethernet, but it will be much slower...
  14. kenny

    Virtual PC not sharing!

    Yeah, VPC Additions is what I meant. :) As for the error... urg... I've never seen that before. I'm not using XP; just Win2K, but even when I did put XP on just to see what its performance was like, the Additions installed just fine. Looking at my real winxp machine, if you open the Disk...
  15. kenny

    Virtual PC not sharing!

    What is the guest OS? If it's some kind of Windows, it should work if 1-you have the VPC Extras installed. These are important anyway, since they improve video performance, as well as enabling shared folders. 2-Windows has to be running. If it's not (even in a saved state), it will show 'Not...
  16. kenny

    newbie iTunes problems

    What I've done is make sure that iTunes is set to NOT organize, and NOT copy the files that I add (via drag 'n' drop) to it. That way, the files stay in whatever location I want. The only downside is if I rip more outside of a given installation of iTunes, I have to manually add them. The...
  17. kenny


    Take care, Trip, and hope you can return soon. You'll be in our thoughts...
  18. kenny

    Virtual PC for Mac

    If there's no logo at least, I'm pretty certain that this isn't a proper Win98 cd. Microsoft (like Apple, and everyone else) is very careful to make sure that their products carry their logo(s). Even the little green USB-PS2 dongle that comes with their mouse products has the Microsoft logo on...
  19. kenny

    Virtual PC for Mac

    Possibly.. It could be an upgrade cd. OR it could be a system restore disc, or maybe an MSDN copy. Hard to say without seeing it. Has he tried booting a real PC with it yet to see whether it will at least come up correctly that way?
  20. kenny

    os x 10.2.4 forgets the time and date

    A new battery will probably not fix this. There is a known issue with 10.2.4 - apple has posted an article in the KB regarding this. The only fix they have to offer at this point is to use the Network Time sync. Don't waste money on a new battery...