Reconfiguring Cable Modem


The Benevolent
Okay, I'm at my friend's house, and I brought my iMac over so we could do some work. The problem is, I can't get it to connect to the internet. I've got a router at home, and that's what it's configured for. I've since forgot what all I did to make it work with the router. I've got the settings on DCHP with IP and everything assiged by the DCHP server. However, the IP address is obviously not from my ISP, and I can't get it to connect. Where else besides the Network preference pane could this self-assigned IP be coming from? Thanks
If you have the appropriate numbers, try setting it to "Manual" and enter your IP addresses by hand.

You might have to try your friend's IP address if your friend has the Internet. If your friend does have the Internet, put in all the exact same settings as his/her computer (PPP vs. Ethernet, manual IP addresses vs. DHCP, BootP, or RARP, or even Appletalk). You can then use his/her connection to connect to the Internet with.
Well, his computer is a PC, which complicates matters, because I'm not wise in the ways of Windows. Our ISP requires DCHP. It provides the IP addresses and such. The problem is, I'm getting an IP address that's obviously not from the ISP. I just don't know how to un-configure the router settings so I can just connect straight up. :( Darnit all.
What is the actual address that you're getting? If it's 169.254.x.x, you're not getting an address from the ISP; that's a self-assigned address when DHCP is unavailable.

Some cable companies will only lease addresses to "registered" machines, based on the MAC (ethernet hardware) address. Obviously, your Mac's MAC will not match the one on the PC. Can you leas an address while the PC is shut down? If not, that may be what's going on.

Also, if you're both connected at the same time (via a hub or switch), the cable co. may not lease 2 addresses (one for the PC and one for you) through a single cable modem. Can you lease an address if the PC is shut down? If so, that's what's going on.

In either case, I would caution you against using Internet Sharing to fix this. If you turn that on, you BECOME a DHCP server, which will disrupt everyone in the neighbourhood, and make the cable co. very angry with your friend.

Maybe you should bring your router with you the next time you visit... ;)