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  1. B

    Why is my wireless network so SLOW?

    Ok, I have 3 Macs (a G4 tower, and iBook and an iMc) and a PC all hooked wirelessly together via Airport. This is not an Airport Extreme, but a regular Airport. 2 of the Macs have Airport cards, the iBook has an extreme card and the PC has a Linksys USB wireless box. Internet speed is fine on...
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    [HOWTO] - Share one OSX account with XP

    So share points will allow the PC to see ANYTHING on the Mac and vice-versa? Right now when I log into the PC from my Mac, I can access the shared default folder (shareddocuments) or another shared folder on the C drive as long as I set that folder up to me shared. When I log into the Mac from...
  3. B

    Bush's Legitimacy as President

    WOW! What a fascinating thread this is!
  4. B

    Republican or Democrat or other?

    Which always seem to fall apart at random or in times of crisis... :rolleyes:
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    mac os 10.1.3 problem / please help

    You need to update to at least 10.2 to make this work right. Better yet, upgrade to 10.3. 10.1 was not a very good system....
  6. B

    [HOWTO] - Share one OSX account with XP

    You have to set up network on the PC side. Once you do that, the PC will be able to the Mac and you can log onto each in both directions..
  7. B

    iBook vs. PowerBook performance

    Odd, While I have not used FireFox in some time, Safari SMOKES Netscape (both 6 and 7) on my 1Ghz iBook. I find it to be a great browser. What kind of sites are you going to?
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    For Sale: iBook/Powerbook Accessories

    Beats me, but I'll be using it on a 14inch iBook as well, so no worries...
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    Republican or Democrat or other?

    That is Very true! I am a registered Republican but generally do not vote the strait party line.
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    Hows $10 sound?
  11. B

    For Sale: iBook/Powerbook Accessories

    If you can hold off until next Saturday I'll take the Plane/Car adaptor, assuming it works on the current crop of iBooks. I'd do it now but I'm going out of town on business through Friday Night and I'll be back home on Saturday. I'll even give ya the $50...
  12. B

    American politics - the truth

    Even better, if you hate him so much, why not just leave the country? Oh and PLEASE take Barbara Streisand with you....
  13. B

    American politics - the truth

    Same here. Good movie, as long as you understand it is PURE propaganda, nothing else....
  14. B

    MusicMatch and Dell are pathetic...

    I ate at a McDonalds 2 last weekend and they had the Sony promo ad in the Window. The deal was, a free download with a BigMac meal.. Both my wife and oldest daughter had them so I went to the counter and asked for the code to get the free music. The manager told us (in a huffy way) that it was...
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    Jobs Had Surgery

    I think he means about keeping secrets, well...secret...
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    MusicMatch and Dell are pathetic...

    You may be right about the Dell thing. Ours too come from a 3rd party vendor under contract, not directly from Dell. Maybe Dell needs to correct this problem as it is giving them a horribly bad name. If something breaks I can't call Dell directly, I have to call the idiots we pay for this...
  17. B

    MusicMatch and Dell are pathetic...

    From what I understand, the Macdonalds/Hardies thing with Sony was a flop. Anyone know anything else. It just suddenly went away...
  18. B

    Vote for a Mac user!!!

    Sorry, I couldn't vote for Kerry if my life depended on it. If Steve Jobs weren't doing such a good job at Apple I'd probably dislike him more too. He's such a liberal it hurts to think about it....
  19. B

    iPod to Car Stereo

    Does your Head Unit have an AUX input? If so, that will work fine...
  20. B

    Republican or Democrat or other?

    I voted Republican with some Democratic leanings, but I'm not even going to explain why. This thread is WAY to whacked folks need to get some SERIOUS help here... :rolleyes: