Vote for a Mac user!!!

Hehe, actually I saw that pic as well, but thought it's some kind of voting. So, I expected more pics like this and when I voted first, I got the link to subscribe or log in..
Mac or no Mac...
- if I lived in one of the other 51 US states (only jokin) -
<rant>My anti Bush feeling is mild compared to my rage against Tony Blair. Bush was always obviously a total asshole - and seemingly proud of it. I felt betrayed by Blair - a man seemingly absolutely corrupted by power. George Michael's [sorry about the 3MB and incomplete link here:]Shoot The Dog video with the pair of them in cartoon caricature was fabulous [dahling].</rant>
bobbo said:
i would never support for bush even if he made is campaign ads in final cut pro.
What if he supported a constitutional amendment to make the use of PC's a crime-against-humanity?

Oops... Forgot. It already is.

Sorry, I couldn't vote for Kerry if my life depended on it. If Steve Jobs weren't doing such a good job at Apple I'd probably dislike him more too. He's such a liberal it hurts to think about it....
I mentioned this in another thread, but it seems like it might apply here to... is hosted on Red Hat Linux which might imply a certain amount of OS indifference...

Same is true for while the democratic convension site is WinDoze.

By comparison both (link) and (link) are WinDoze.

Overall, I'm not sure we can read too much into all of this...

(Unless you want to argue that there is some significance to the fact that the Dem's Linux boxes have much better uptime metrics. ;) )
It's absurd to assign value to which computer platform a politician uses or not.

Yes yes, and chickens rarely have a motive to cross roads, rabbis and priests seldom go into bars together, bears don't talk and most farmers would be unlikely to let a stranger share a room with their young daughters.

I was joking fer pete's sake. Whenever a Mac appears prominently in the news, someone mentions it here - and a presidential candidate using one certainly qualifies. I'd be appalled if anyone seriously made a political decision on this basis. (Well, maybe if you're really torn and can't think of any other way to make up your mind, but aside from that...)

Sheesh. Twas a jest, folks.
brianleahy said:
I was joking fer pete's sake.
Hey, no problem, I figured it was, but it just appears as though it's given more weight than it's worth by some... No hard feelings, but it's just annoying from a Bush supporter's point-of-view.