Search results

  1. alexandr

    Is this normal wear, or is the finish on my powerbook bad?

    handcreme/-lotion enthusiast??
  2. alexandr

    internal firewire wont mount iPod. hub does.

    my brand new PowerBook G4 1.5 won't mount my iPod when i try to connect it directly trough the internal FW. though if i connect it trough the hub on my Apple Cinema Display, it shows up fine, and the port used to connect the displays hub is the same as i try to use when connecting directly...
  3. alexandr

    European AppleStores down!

    iBooks seems likely aswell right...? alex.
  4. alexandr

    installing additional RAM in new powerbook yourself??

    i had a good lokk at too find that guide, but can't seem to find it - any chance you may provide a specific link?? thanks alot btw - very helpful! so.. what about getting an additional keyboard? any ideas? alex.
  5. alexandr

    installing additional RAM in new powerbook yourself??

    can anyone point me in the direction of a howto on installing additinal RAM in the newest model of powerbooks.. i just got my new 15", 1.5, 512 RAM, combo yesterday and i ordered another 512-stick right away.. but i can seem to understand how to get underneath the keyboard. on my former iBook...
  6. alexandr

    Amazon lets the cat out of the bag!!

    rest of the line-up is now also online, good; better; with summary at
  7. alexandr

    Tiger is already shipping...

    a couple of days old thread;
  8. alexandr

    Tiger is already shipping...

    another confirmation;
  9. alexandr

    Tiger is already shipping...

    Tiger is shipping early, as it seems; alex.
  10. alexandr

    AppleStore down....?

    new hardware were traditionally updated the day after apples conference at NAB, meaning tomorrow. if it will be the same tomorrow i can not say, but that is how it's been before (according to
  11. alexandr

    AppleStore down....?

    up again. Final Cut Studio is the new headline.. alex.
  12. alexandr

    AppleStore down....?

    couldn't care less about the iMacs and eMacs - i want my G5!!! ;) a.
  13. alexandr

    AppleStore down....?

    yep. down in norway aswell.. good sign. alex.
  14. alexandr

    are plist's "cross-plattform"?

    maybe it isn't called different plattforms, but will a panther plist perform the same actions in in Tiger...? and the same for safari. i'm asking since theese two apps have been updated with Tiger.. can i use my Panther mail.plist to copy accounts, rules etc.. and bookmarks...
  15. alexandr

    new screen - red vertical line..

    i will try to give apple a call then. but - as i spoke to them the last time they just opened a case and then re-directed me to a certified apple center which carried out the reparation. trough apple i was given a so-called CS-code(CustomerSatisfaction-code, i think). as i told and gave this...
  16. alexandr

    new screen - red vertical line..

    i just got my iBook 12" back from repair, it was covered under the expanded logic board failure program. it came back with a new logic board and even a new screen. the screen however has a thin red vertical line which stretches over the whole screen. it is situated just a couple of mm's from...
  17. alexandr

    when the tiger comes out..

    wasnt there an issue about this, something about this being only valid for the US??? alex.
  18. alexandr

    when the tiger comes out..

    we are actually awaiting some kind of hardware as we speak, as the NAB-conference in Las Vegas got started yesterday. rumored are at least new PowerMacs, dont know about any *Books, but an update might come. no G5 PowerBook, thats for sure! i would await getting a new machine until at least...
  19. alexandr

    New Displays?

    but what doesn't make very much sense is the fact that the alu apple cinema displays are all fairy new, and bringing out new and revised displays hasn't actually been high priority at Apple.. just speaking historically here, they average at 340 days between updates, and i think that is without...
  20. alexandr

    iTunes Video Store

    you're not the first one dreaming, thats for sure.. try the search-button :) alex.