Amazon lets the cat out of the bag!!

Only positive is the dual 2.0 is worth the $1999. I paid almost that much for my single 1.6 when it came out. The 2.0 will probbaly be the hot seller in this crowd. The 2.3 for the negligible speed increase it may provide will probably be the dud.
Dual Layer Superdrive!! WOO!

(sorry if that's old news)

I hope eventually this drive can be bought as an upgrade to my G5..?!?!
Does this product number mean anything?:


Is that the same chip type as the 2.5?

I've been waiting since the Dual 2.0's to upgrade (passing on all G5s, crunching away with my venerable dual G4), but I was really hoping to hold out until dual 3.0's. I don't think I can wait any more though.

2.7, come to papa.

I wonder if Apple will start suing Amazon the way they have been with the rumor sites! ;)
Hmm... If they're really going up only 200 MHz after a year, adding a lame dual-layer DVD-writer (out for PCs and Macs for a loooooooong time already), I don't quite see the progress...
Be nice if this were all a clever hoax to catch the person or persons responsible for all the product leaks at Apple and we get better systems at WWDC. But then I come down off my high and realise it's this bad.
In the moment, the offer(s) seem to be gone from Amazon. It simply says "This item is currently unavailable" - like it said with "Tiger" some few times.
Yet another disappointing release seems to be inevitable. Hopefully this is just a 'temporary upgrade' and we get the real deal in June.

Have to wait for the 'official' release to see, I guess. Could be a mistake on Amazon's part.
An interesting quote from user osarda at
Apple did run into problems with the dual cores which were supposed to be released at NAB. Furthermore, a personal source of mine who works for Apple confirmed that the Quad Cores were to be released in the Autumn. All the release dates have been pushed back due to hardware/software quirks that would not stick with the pro line users.... It is very possible that the meager 200mhz upgrade tomorrow is only to hold off Apple's demanding pro user base who are on their backs. Apple was supposed to beat AMD and Intel in annoucing dual core technology and soon after quad core to blow everybody away. Steve, after all, does have an ego.

But good things come to those who wait. I suggest waiting for WWDC in early June. And you shall see....
Look at this user's other posts.

I don't know if it's true or not, but it's very interesting nonetheless.
re: aftermarket upgrade. they will most likely be Pioneer DVR-109 drives. They gain(ed) full DiscBurner(iTunes, iDVD, Finder, etc) support with 10.4. Buy a black DVR-109 from any shop, remove the bezel and stick it in your G5. won't know it isn't original, and apple won't sell you anything different.
Oh man, that dual core WWDC hype is EVIL dude!

I need a new machine for a big project coming up here in May. Now I'm going to buy this dang 2.7 and crap when a dual core comes out right after.

Thanks a lot. ;)

Realistically, I can see no way in hell Apple will bring out a 2.7 and then immediately a dual core. No way. MAYBE this fall with the dual core, but no sooner if they drop this 2.7 on us soon.

When Frkye mentioned 200 MHZ in a year, I was like, no way it's been a year. So I googled it, and sure enough, it's pretty much been a year (June 9, 2004 on the Dual 2.5s). That's insane! That just ain't going to cut it.

[crosses fingers hoping for killer dual core beast to show up soon-ish]
Yep...2 years to go 700MHz......when we were supposed to go 1000MHz in one.

My question is where are they getting the info that the 2.7 isn't using the PPC970MP yet? I saw part of the Amazon leaked specs, I don;t remember seeing it in there.
um. can someone tell me what a Dual 2.7 Ghz G5 can't do that a Dual 3Ghz would do? In real-world use, you'll probably find that things like I/O (network, hddd, optical, etc) and not enough memory, as well as video card will affect ANYTHING you are doing (except running a c program in the terminal that just continually adds one to a variable in a loop) a lot more than the 300 Mhz slower CPU.
Pengu, it's not as much the capability of the machine...what the DP 2.7 can or can't do, but the letdown that's occurred from Apple not meeting their goals. This revision needed the 3GHz mark for marketing purposes more than anything else. The only acceptable deviation to that, IMO, would have been releasing a slightly slower (slower as in lower frequency) dual-core processor model.

They unveiled the original G5 in June of 2003 at a max of 2GHz with the promise of 3GHz within a year. The year has come and gone, and another pretty much has, with no 3GHz in sight as of yet. The first year saw half the goal (1000MHz gap, 500MHz upgrade) it looks like the second year (500MHz gap, about a 250MHZ upgrade) will follow that trend.

Don't get me wrong, I think they really need to address the ancillary things too...stuff like the amount of memory they ship with systems. Granted 512MB is better than 256MB, but 1GB should really be the minimum; especially on the high-end model. Bringing the 'stock upgrade' price on the RAM under control is another much needed change. Embracing PCIe for the video instead of AGP 8x would also be wise.
well how does anyone know they aren't dual-core? would know the difference between dual-core PPC CPUs and choc-center ice-creams?