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  1. LordOphidian

    Unreal2k3 demo

    Damn... none of the mirrors seem to be responding. Well, I guess I wait for later then.
  2. LordOphidian

    Safari Beta 2 (v73) officially out!

    Androo, I think you missed his joke by a bit. He was saying you were old because you said you have had tabbed browsing since 62, which can be easily taken to mean 1962 by the way you said it. As for this being beta 2 when it has been the third public release, thats because the second wasn't...
  3. LordOphidian

    Why inetd & xinetd in 10.2? How do I kill inetd?

    I disabled mine by commenting out a line in one of the startup-items, but it has been a while since I did it and I can't remember which file it was. You might try running a grep for it: $ grep -r 'inetd' /System/Library/StartupItems/
  4. LordOphidian

    argh~i hate playing WC3 for Mac

    Well, not much help here, but it runs just fine and smooth on my iMac 800 G4, 512mb ram. It does start getting laggy when the screen is full of guys casting spells, but other than that its pretty good. Oh, and I have the gfx on about the normal settings. One thing you might try, if you...
  5. LordOphidian

    rebooting an OS X machine remotely

    I did it from a ssh session with a user already logged in, but the user wasn't prompted for the reboot. The system just did a normal reboot and came back up. It should be noted though that doing a 'shutdown -r now' for me restarts the box and brings it back up with the auto login completed...
  6. LordOphidian

    rebooting an OS X machine remotely

    Why don't you just use AppleScript to restart the mac. $ osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to restart' That does the equivilent of the Restart menu item in the Apple menu.
  7. LordOphidian

    10.3 - whats included...

    Doubtful, but I wouldn't be suprized if they included a way to make carbon apps use the metal interface with out making major changes to their code, bringing carbon up to speed with cocoa. These are pretty good guesses, although the 64-bit support will probably appear as a seperate set of...
  8. LordOphidian

    OSX BSD vs Linux

    Acutally, kilowatt, no unix systems yet have quarks (until XPress comes out for OS X), but they do all have their quirks! Insert rimshot
  9. LordOphidian

    rebooting an OS X machine remotely

    MFiend... it looks to me, from your process listing, that its rebooting to the Login window... I would guess that its rebooting fine but just not doing the auto login (if you have that enabled). As for why httpd doesn't come up... I would check your start-up items to make sure you have it...
  10. LordOphidian

    Java 1.4.1 released

    jEdit loads much faster now. I haven't tried much else yet, but I'm glad I can now use java.util.regex on OS X with the default rt.jar
  11. LordOphidian

    Chimera has changed its name

    You know... this is always what comes to mind when I hear the new name.
  12. LordOphidian

    Keep an eye on the Konfabulator countdown...

    I see the same page either way. Five left to go aparently.
  13. LordOphidian

    Keep an eye on the Konfabulator countdown...

    The iTunes remote looks pretty slick, but I just worry about how much I will use something like this. That is unless its widgets float above all other windows, as I just about always have quite a few windows open, obscuring my desktop.
  14. LordOphidian

    Powerbooks new lithium prysmatic battery technology

    From my google searching, it seems to be a new way of manufacturing Lithium Ion batteries. Im not sure on the relative merits of the new process, but I would assume it produces a battery with a longer lifetime. Here is a graphic showing the process, according to NEC-TOKIN.
  15. LordOphidian

    What do we reckon for 10.2.x or 10.3?

    Rather than creating dock "folders" I think they should do something similar and create dock "groups" (since they don't have the same semantics and could possibly confuse users who have real folders in their dock). Very similar to your idea, Remco, but with some more flexiblity added to them...
  16. LordOphidian

    >9Gb Swap files

    Umm.. you mean you have 9 gig's of swap files, or do you have a 9 gig swap file. Because OS X currently writes out swap files in 80MB increments. So if you have a 9gig swap file, something is very very wrong.
  17. LordOphidian

    Superdrive DVD's always skip & faulty

    My experiance has been that my g/f's slightly old Apex player doesn't like iDVD generated movies, but that GE, Sony (including the PS2), and pioneer players work.
  18. LordOphidian

    environment.plist - how to append to a variable?

    As far as I know, you can't expand other variables in the enviroment.plist. So you will have to do your path setting in which ever shell you prefer.
  19. LordOphidian

    safari: open link in new window

    I'm not at my OS X box right now, but I seem to remember being able to right-click on the links and select open in new window. I think there is a keyboard short cut as well, but I don't know it.
  20. LordOphidian

    How can you make a kernal panic?

    If you are running 10.2.2 or earlier, you could do the 'mv' bug to make a panic. $ mkdir foo $ cd foo; touch foo $ mv foo ../ And watch it go down. This was fixed in 10.2.3 though.