10.3 - whats included...


Universal Traveler
I saw this on LoopRumors. Mac OSX 10.3 should be out this fall, by the way and will include:
System-wide metal interface

Support for 64-Bit architecture

QuickTime 6.5

iChat 2.0 with videoconferencing capabilities

Final Safari release 1.0 GM

Updated iApps (possible inclusion of iWorks?)

Enhanced Dock features

Overall system speed enhancements

Optimized for the new systems

This sounds so sweet...I cont freaking wait...:p :D
Originally posted by Stridder44

System-wide metal interface

Doubtful, but I wouldn't be suprized if they included a way to make carbon apps use the metal interface with out making major changes to their code, bringing carbon up to speed with cocoa.

Support for 64-Bit architecture

QuickTime 6.5

These are pretty good guesses, although the 64-bit support will probably appear as a seperate set of install cd's for use if you have a 64-bit machine. The 64-bit machines will (should?) run any of the 32-bit apps just fine, but if they tune the OS for a 64-bit proc, its doubtfull they could make it run on the 32-bit machines correctly. The process would likely be similar, albeit much more userfriendly, to installing an OS like HP-UX, where you boot the installer and it then decides if you need to install the 64-bit or the 32-bit versions of the OS.

iChat 2.0 with videoconferencing capabilities

Final Safari release 1.0 GM

These are pretty speculative, although I don't doubt that iChat 2.0 will be out by then. I'm not sure that Safari will make 1.0 by the time they have to GM the 10.3 release. Although there is nothing stopping them from just branding it 1.0 and shipping it even if its not quite a 1.0 product.

Enhanced Dock features

Lets hope so. The dock isn't a bad app overall but it definatly needs some improvements. Couple that with the fact that its been quite a while since there were any feature changes to the dock, and I would say the dock is ripe to see an overhaul. How major of one I can't say, but I would expect some changes.

Overall system speed enhancements

Optimized for the new systems

These just go with out saying.
I don't think I would like system wide metal look. I like the white and metal. I do think 10.3 will be 64bit ready on one disc.

yeah, system wide metal interface

i can't imagine any serious doctor or lawyer (a la people in switch commercials) use it

i wouldn't use it. i want them to make 3 themes, aqua, metal and classic - so i can have a n option!
...I would love the ability to change MORE colors in ANY theme... For example I would like instead of blue (aqua) buttons to have red or green ones... Or instead of white window I would like to use a dark blue or gray one... :rolleyes:
I don't like the old "classic" look. I don't want it back. I like aqua and I think choices of colors in it would be cool like hulk said. I think the brushed metal and the white "plastic" look works well with the way the hardware looks.

a) i hope the metal interface thing is an option. i'm still partial to the aqua interface. if they made it a systemwide option i think everyone would be happy.

b) the apple marketing machine is going to have to be working at full tilt if they expect people to pony up another $129 in masse for this. sounds like a bugfix release to me, with some new integrated software. that is going to be freely downloadable anyway.

for 129, we may see apple include iLife and maybe some bare-bones version of appleworks (or iWorks if that's what they end up calling it) with the OS purchase. that would sell a lot more copies IMO.
Someone will be able to hack out the metal within a week of the release. However i'd be smarter for apple to let us choose.
Originally posted by Jack Hammer
is anybody sick of aqua?

i am. i think a updated classic (minimalistic beauty) would be just as popular as aqua.

I completely agree. Aqua was cute when it first arived, but it's far too kitschy to be taken seriously. A nice smooth edition of Platinum is what I want. The brushed metal apps come close, but they still include Aqua buttons and whathaveyou. The nicest OS X themes I've seen so far are Mad Rudberg's Rhapsodised themes. They're basically an updated Platinum working within the restrictions of Aqua.

I would gladly pay the $100+ upgrade fee if they'd incorporate some Kaleidoscope-ish functionality into the system, but I'm quite certain that that'll never happen. :(

The current methods of theming are pretty pathetic, but I think that that Max Rudberg fella is doing a damn fine job considering the format he's restricted to.

Does anyone else find it odd that the OS's GUI --something that you'd think would be made as snappy and transparent as possible-- is one of its biggest slowdowns? I find something horribly wrong with that fact. If we had processor power to spare, then sure, bring on the drop shadows and huge icons and animations. But when there's a noticeable delay just opening a simple menu, it's definately time to cut back.

- Brian
I hate Aqua with a passion and I have resorted to the MacOS X themes that are out there. In particular, the MacOS XP theme from Max.

I hope that 10.3 has a major speed bump and theme support. I thought that MacOS is fully customisable? Surely not...! Two colour at present, blue or grey.

Personally, I would love to see a speed bump of 25% minimum! I have a 1GHz PowerBook etc, and the speed difference between this machine and my old one (TiPB 400MHz) is not that much.

Apple, if you are listening... SPEED!!!
I switched (and with no regrets) about fall of last year (2002) and bought my first mac (17 inch iMac) and noticed forst off one thing..."i cont customize the colors?" I mean, even OS 9 could do more than OS X can. I dont mind the Aqua look at all, but the same blue (or grey) gets VERY boring after a while...and I dont want to pay some random, fly-by-night company I've never heard of before $30 for a custumization program for simple colors and what not. Simple customization should be a minimum in ANY OS. And I have to agree with the menu shadowing and so fourth. It slows down simple browsing! A 25% increase in speed of OS X at minimum indeed! I'm not gonna buy OS X 10.3 until I hear about it first....but Im sure it'll be worth the upgrade anyway. :p
I have no problems with the way my system runs. I love the drop shadows and teh trans. I think it will only get better with every new version, but I have no major grips.

Oh I like the dropshadows too, and yes we could always download other proggies that can change the interface. But I do hope Apple includes something like that in 10.3. I love customization.:p :D
I certainly hope Apple does not make the brushed-metal look universally system-wide. I believe it looks good in some situations, like in iTunes, but it's not necessary for everything, and making everything brushed-metal would be an aesthetic disaster IMO.

There are two approaches to this: 1) They can make EVERYTHING brushed metal, and 2) they can make everything INCLUDE brushed metal parts. It's like Flash online: some websites are Flash-only, and that looks cool yadda yadda, but it's not good for browsing because it's relatively unscalable, it's too flashy (no pun intended), and it makes for poor site design. Sites that incorporate Flash seamlessly into their HTML, however, like making a navbar out of Flash, and including substitute HTML for Flash-less users, work very well. Including certain aspects of the brushed-metal GUI into Aqua is a much better approach.

This thread seems to parallel the thread detailed in my signature. I encourage all of you to check it out and post your opinions there (but try not to repeat what has already been said! People shouldn't state things that have already been posted. Redundancy is annoying, and recurrency irks).

If anyone has an idea of how to bring these requests to Apple's attention, like emailing them, putting them on their own website, etc., please contact me and I will organize them into an appropriate format. I am still looking for PHP/MySQL help to sort all the suggested changes into a votable poll, so if you know about these please let me know.