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  1. R

    Am I the only one tired of hearing Apple "stole" this and that?

    Does anyone know the reason why Arlo wrote Konfab? Was he looking to make a ton of money from it? Does he even care? Software like Konfab are often created as a hobby. Hobbies aren't businesses. If the intention behind Konfab was to build a business, then perhaps some effort should have...
  2. R

    Any plans for Apple notebook?

    A recent article in eWeek states that Microsoft is discontinuing the retail Tablet PC line. I guess it will be relegated to industrial projects.
  3. R

    Apple should re-enter innovation.

    Let's not forget that Microsoft's Longhorn is leading the way in putting LOTS of whitespace into the GUI. We'll need 60 inch monitors to get everything on-screen. The GUI that appears to be going into Longhorn looks like a toy (overly attractive interface elemtns). Apple seems to have found...
  4. R

    PearPC - PowerPC Architecture Emulator for PC = Mac OS X on a PC

    So it's the Quartz engine that needs porting and that's probably where legal problems with Apple might arise? Regardless, if there were Quartz/Darwin all apps would need to be recompiled for X86.
  5. R

    Apple should re-enter innovation.

    Fryke seems to have read the same eWeek article I commented on last week. See thread A mostly Windows user, I summarized the reasons why I feel that Apple continues to innovate. OK, they slipped behind on USB 2.0 but do you see a single...
  6. R

    PearPC - PowerPC Architecture Emulator for PC = Mac OS X on a PC

    Why doesn't someone build Aqua on top of Darwin X86?
  7. R

    eWeek's opinions on the future of Apple

    Article is here:,1759,1589206,00.asp It's main points state that Apple should abandon the computer market and they've lost their innovation. The conclude that Apple should embrace the "media center" PC concept (which Jobs doesn't) and should engage in the...
  8. R

    Longhorn's bloated requirements

    A recent eWeek article mentioned that Longhorn was a little sluggish with Avalon DWM and a current video card. They felt it needed optimization to run with less expensive video hardware. I'm not sure why MS keeps making the Windows interface elements consume lots of pixel space. There is...
  9. R

    How can I turn off the VPN icon in the menu bar?

    Thanks, worked perfectly! I never thought to try that although it makes perfect sense. Using for Windows for so long has made me forget how intuitive computers _should_ be.
  10. R

    What is virtual PC like?

    It sounds like your dad doesn't like change. ;) Most people's use of word processors barely scratches the surface of their capabilities, and thus, probably any word processor would work great for him. In fact, when OpenOffice finally gets completed for OS X, you can sell him on the prospect...
  11. R

    How can I turn off the VPN icon in the menu bar?

    I was playing around one day and accidently started configuring VPN on OS X. No biggie, I simply cancelled out. However, the VPN connect icon is on my desktop menu bar and I can't get it to go away. I've removed VPN from Network in System Preferences but it still shows up in the menu bar...
  12. R

    What is virtual PC like?

    I use VPC on my PowerBook when I visit client sites that require me to use Windows for their Windows-only network. VPC speed on my G4-800 is OK but not great. It's fine if you _need_ to use it, with XP anyway. If you're looking to switch to Mac from PC, you'll have most everything you need...
  13. R


    I'm sure the new domain name is to avoid a lawsuit from Apple. Apple did shut down Y'z Dock which was a clone of the Mac Dock. Quite nice looking I might add.
  14. R

    Apple G6 - link to

    Hey, I bet there will be a G6, G7, and maybe even a G10 in the future. :)
  15. R

    Seeking replacement for internal AirPort card

    Thanks for the info. Too bad Apple didn't make a suitable, internal, replacement card. Apple has always been about moving forward and not looking back.
  16. R

    Seeking replacement for internal AirPort card

    I've looked around and can't seem to find any vendor offering a replacement internal AirPort card for TiBooks. It seems if I want to use 802.11g instead of the built-in 802.11b, I need to use the CardBus (PC Card) slot. Doesn't someone make a card to replace the internal AirPort? I thought...
  17. R

    Another cnet article bashing apple

    In a better light, CNET has a story of six people who comment on their three favorite technology devices. 5 out of the 6 listed their iBook or PowerBook as one of the three. Only one PC laptop was mentioned.
  18. R

    OS X software for creating a .ISO file?

    Not sure about Jaguar, but in Panther... Launch Disk Utility Images > New > Blank Image I don't remember the rest but this gets you started. You may also be able to command-click the inserted CD and perform the same task.
  19. R

    Attitudes of Windows vs. Mac users

    I've been a long-time user of computers from the early 80s: Timex, Commodore, Atari (8- and 16-bit), Mac Classic, and finally settling to PCs because I could afford one in 1988. Recently I bought a PowerBook to accompany my Windows XP desktop. For about a year I've been visiting a...
  20. R

    Running Linux virtual machines on OS X - possible?

    Thanks for the feedback. I have a copy of Virtual PC so maybe I'll try that. Too bad there is no way to run a virtual PPC session in OS X.