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  1. T

    Lets get together some arguments why MAC is better than PeeCee!!!

    Oh, I am sure it is. And keeping someone else happy as well. They really were terrific little computers. I have 2, keep one running telephony stuff (fax, voice mail, speakerphone) and internet stuff and another that I do mobile sound and some NetBSD "research" on. Yeah, the built-in S-Video...
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    Lets get together some arguments why MAC is better than PeeCee!!!

    i'm not exactly stretching the truth per se – I didn't say it would stay current. That is a bit ludicrous. But here I am, using a 5 year old 8600 with stock processor and hard drive with no additional video card as a 16-track digital audio station, serious photoshop work, etc. It doesn't even...
  3. T

    Jaguar - Mac OS X 10.2

    since its a dockling, you can just choose to ignore it and just not create any "spaces," or you can just pull it out of your Dock. that's it :)
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    Jaguar - Mac OS X 10.2

    Space.dock (a.k.a. 0.7)
  5. T

    Lets get together some arguments why MAC is better than PeeCee!!!

    Eh, does it really matter what hardware something comes out for first? Frankly it makes more sense to try out new hardware on PCs. Bigger test audience. Lots of dumber people with money to burn and a habit of tossing $ into their computers every month to "upgrade" when they could have bought...
  6. T

    Are G5s Being Released at MWSF in Jan?

    dude, you ARE the digital underground "freaks of the industry" have ya ever seen that flick "Short Circuit?" Herve totally reminds me of Johnny 5.
  7. T

    Did anyone else get the public Beta?

    I enjoyed the public beta ... it was a really good preview of things to come. my main concern with getting the beta was so that I could use it and give Apple feedback about it so that I could at least feel like I did my part to get OS X to where the average user wanted it to be. Yeah, it WAS...
  8. T

    So I was playing w/ WinXP yesterday....

    1. Yes. Just log in at the login screen as ">console" and it'll drop you down to the command line. Alternately, I believe if you press Command-C while you're booting, that might do it to, but I'm not sure on that one. Command-V at startup lets you boot in verbose mode, so you get all that...
  9. T

    So I was playing w/ WinXP yesterday....

    I think OS 9 gets a bad rap – i mean, i've run it for literally weeks at a time with no crashing, and that's doing pretty intense photoshop, quark, indesign work to. Plenty of app switching, ram-hogging, and processor-crunching going on. I think the key is to trim extensions down to what you...
  10. T

    So I was playing w/ WinXP yesterday....

    When steve takes a dump, it usually IS revolutionary. He could discard 50 times as many good ideas in one day as Bill gets in a whole year. And usually when the light bulb goes off over Bill's head, the next sentence usually starts something like this: "Hey! Let's steal ____________!"
  11. T

    Copy protect kills iPod?

    Basically, the Fair Use laws were made so that people wouldn't get thrown in jail for copying CDs and cassettes to another medium, at the time, the newly-affordable blank cassette tape. With the advent of the dual-deck cassette deck, which now is fairly standard, people started coying their...
  12. T

    Copy protect kills iPod?

    First they supplant cassettes for CDs – CDs, being easier and cheaper to reproduce, as we all know, cost a lot more than tapes. They are also cheaper to ship because they weigh less in volume. yet they charge us more for the end product. so we're getting raped there, the artists are getting...
  13. T

    Its and Hardware-Software thing

    this entire post was supposed to go somewhere else, sorry everybody. i feel like a shmoe.
  14. T

    So I was playing w/ WinXP yesterday....

    Its and Hardware-Software thing I'm using Apple's never-quite-finished Apple Telecom solution. Basically, you need an Geoport Telecom Adapter (a modem interface that you can usually find on eBay for about $10) and the Apple Telecom software version 3.0.1 (actually I forget the entire version...
  15. T

    Its and Hardware-Software thing

    I'm using Apple's never-quite-finished Apple Telecom solution. Basically, you need an Geoport Telecom Adapter (a modem interface that you can usually find on eBay for about $10) and the Apple Telecom software version 3.0.1 (actually I forget the entire version number, but its the last one they...
  16. T

    So I was playing w/ WinXP yesterday....

    Oh man, what a piece of garbarge. First of all, the interface is absolutely nauseating. I felt like I was in preschool playing with those giant Legos. Its completely obvious the Microsoft wants you to have an "MS"-only XPereince. The entire thing felt hacked together, like a Frankenstein...
  17. T

    PC Radeon PCI card in B&W G3

    Hello, I was wondering if its possible, or has been done already, to put a PC Radeon PCI card into a B&W G3. I really want to replace the stock Rage 128, but I can't spend anywhere near what the Mac Radeons are going for, and I can get a PC version for about half the cost. Is it possible...
  18. T

    PC Radeon card in B&W G3

    Hello, I was wondering if its possible, or has been done already, to put a PC Radeon PCI card into a B&W G3. I really want to replace the stock Rage 128, but I can't spend anywhere near what the Mac Radeons are going for. Is it possible to flash the ROM on a PC and then use the card in my...
  19. T

    Are G5s Being Released at MWSF in Jan?

    I've noticed that a lot of people on here have 8600's, and I'm one of them, and I just have to say, isn't the 8600 one super bad ass computer? I mean, its almost 5 years old at this point, and yet its still completely usable, and if you bump up the RAM (which is dirt cheap) you can get amazing...
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    iTunes encoding quality

    I'm definitely an audiophile, and I've had my Mac hooked up to my surround sound system since day 1 ... and something I noticed that iTunes does that I haven't seen with other encoders is that it keeps the surround channel in audio CDs. I was floored when I put on the Tool MP3s I had made from...