Did anyone else get the public Beta?


Offical Mac nut
I meant the one released as the public beta, not 10.0:)
I did and I swore I would never switch to X because of it. I hated it almost more than Windows:eek: But I must admit, now I would rather use X than any other OS on the market. But know I wonder what the furture holds, XI, XV, XX? Just think some day we might have a triple X operation system!! HEY! Apple, new plan, let's get all those computer nerds to Mac today! Release MacOS XXX! That will bring 'em I bet! Because as you know true computer nerds (not like us here), love nothing more than porn. Just think of the interface we could have! Good bye Auqua, hello Vuvla! Ummm, OK, I guess I got a little carried away for a bit, I'm back now, I think. Anyway, I'm just wondering if you disliked it in the begining or if you loved it from day one.
I too hated the public beta, but I love OS X now, and have my computer booted into it 99% of the time.
well, i never saw the beta but i wasn't real thrilled with my first look at 10.0.3. it was slow and clunky and options seemed limited. at first glance it seemed to take more away than it gave. but i kept visiting with it from time to time. gradually i got to feel more comfortable with it. but it wasn't until 9.2 came out and added some speed to it that i got anywhere near serious. since shortly before 10.1 i have been defaulting to it and now i hate to go back to 9 - it seems so slow and clunky:D

I am very glad i started buying everything new in firewire awhile back as firewire in x rocks. those people who are still using usb peripherals with it just don't know the true beauty of it yet!!

of course any kind of floppy support would be nice at some point.:cool:
What was so bad with the public beta? I liked it, played around with it a bit. Sure, you can't expect a PB to be a smooth running OS! I remember Win2K Beta 3, this was a mess!!!
I've used Rhapsody DR 2 on a PowerMac 9500, Rhapsody DR 2 on an AMD K6/200, Mac OS X Server 1.0/1.2 on the 9500, Mac OS X DP 4 on my blueberry iBook 300 (hehe), the Public Beta on the iBook and then 10.0 and up on every Mac I own(ed).

And I must say that I *liked* each build, mainly because I anticipated OS X so much. But OS X went (for me) from 'not useable as daily OS' to 'perfect' at 10.1.
I got the public beta. I liked it. Spent more time in it that I do in OS X now...perhaps back then I had more time lol.
Oh yes, that it was!

But I had many kernel panics during the PB days. Not to mention crashing applications!
I can't remeber it was faster, but I have bad memory (not RAM:D):p
Maybe I remebered that because I had such a bad experience with it...
Anyway I think it was really uncompatible with everything and the only kernel panic I ever had, was in PB.
Yah, and sometimes it was impossible to boot it, it was like running OS X on my Powermac 8600, I have to reboot 1-3 times to get it work :p
I enjoyed the public beta ... it was a really good preview of things to come. my main concern with getting the beta was so that I could use it and give Apple feedback about it so that I could at least feel like I did my part to get OS X to where the average user wanted it to be.

Yeah, it WAS faster than 10.0 come to think about it! I didn't spend tooooo terribly much time in it tho ... remember how long Classic took to load?! I just wasn't productive. But it was a really good teaser, and it wound up being basically free when I got my $30 discount off the release of OS X. Actually, i saved a nickle.

Geez, I remember showing my friends the Beta and being all like "It's coming! The future of computing! BOW DOWN BEFORE YOUR NEW MASTER!"

Then, after they let me out of the asylum, I ripped into the 10.0 release immediately ;)