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  1. MrNivit1

    OS X on an Intel platform

    This is why Apple bundles iLife applications with new Macs and also provides a free tool for making new apps (xCode). The applications are already there when a user buys the computer, no extra investment and the computer is usable right out of the box. I don't know if this is the same in the...
  2. MrNivit1

    What is your screen size?

    1440X900 on my PB. Vey nice for DVDs. It is so freeing to have this much screen real estate to do work on. I do have to play around with the resolution levels to make it work with projectors, though.
  3. MrNivit1

    PowerBook G5 maybe ready to roll

    I'll believe it when I see it. At this point rumors about this don't interest me anymore. I guess I should avoid rumor threads and be surprised when it actually does show up (kind of the same idea as waiting until X-mas morning to open gifts instead of peeking beforehand and already knowing...
  4. MrNivit1

    Word 2004 eating processor

    I think I have figured it out. I tried removing the autoave feature (I pretty much turned off everything 'auto'). I also turned off the EndNote citation manager updating feature. Both didn't do a thing. Word kept ramping up on the processor (I know it is Word, I checked activity monitor)...
  5. MrNivit1

    Word 2004 eating processor

    I've noticed that ever since I updated to 10.3.9 that Word 2004 tends to eat processor cycles from time to time. Happens every 5 minutes or so. The program just spikes in processor use until I move the text cursor or change something within the document. Very strange. Just concerns me a bit...
  6. MrNivit1

    Mac OSX 10.3.9 is out

    sorry... software update...
  7. MrNivit1

    Mac OSX 10.3.9 is out

    Pop on over to
  8. MrNivit1

    No more using iPods on airplanes...

    Darn, what'll I listen to when I am there... ;)
  9. MrNivit1

    Very Strange System Problem... Any Ideas???

    Also, cabling may not be as improtant as jumper (master/slave) settings. See last paragraph in link below.
  10. MrNivit1

    Very Strange System Problem... Any Ideas???

    If this is a G3 then the 8GB barrier may be a problem:
  11. MrNivit1

    Apple Diagnostic Tests

    I don't know how intense of a diagnostic (and how much reporting you want), but a pretty low level testing suite is available on the OSX DVD that comes with most recent macs. Insert the DVD and hold down the Option key to get to the Apple Hardare Test. This suite diagnosed bad RAM for me when...
  12. MrNivit1

    iPod shuffle case - huh?

    But if the case then gets scuffed and costs such a significant portion of the device it is intedned to protect, isn't it pointless? If these cases are going to be used for designer personalization, thereby increasing their sentimental and aesthetic value, will we eventually see cheaper cases...
  13. MrNivit1

    Blue and White G3 - OSX or OS9?

    I had a B&W G3 that I upgraded to X a while back and even though it wasn't as snappy as what I have now, it got the job done (and I even used it quiet heavily-> games, compiling, etc). It did have a problem with an external CD burner I had. Could've been the burner, but I would recomend going...
  14. MrNivit1

    Transparent Desktop Images

    Looks neat. The multi-layer ones are especially fun (like the cinema display though a Powerbook through an iPod photo).
  15. MrNivit1

    Powerbook wake up problems

    it is built into the hardware of every newer drive. it is pretty much a built in safety feature that is always on. to see your SMART status, just open 'disk utility' in the 'utilities' folder of your 'applications' folder (unless you manually moved it elsewhere). then when it opens, click on...
  16. MrNivit1

    Powerbook wake up problems

    This may help (SMART status): Your drive may be failing...
  17. MrNivit1

    MacMini in a car!

    The heat and theft (part of it) may be solved by the elegant design of the system. Since the i/o cables are pretty much attached to the back of the MiniMac in a non-permanent manner, the system can be removed in summer heat or winter cold. A really neat modification of this design would allow...
  18. MrNivit1

    Complete ripoff of iPod Shuffle

    I smell lawsuit...
  19. MrNivit1

    New PowerBook.. Still one button?!? Argg!!

    Wow, this iScroll2 thing is wonderful! The two-finger-on-the-track-pad-and-clicking-the-mouse-button-pulling-up-the-contextual-menu option is very handy!
  20. MrNivit1

    How hot and how loud is the new PB?

    I don't have a dB rating (check apple's website), but the only time my powerbook gets hot is when I stress the CPU for extended periods of time (i.e. gaming, modeling). The fans are only noticable when they go full speed and usually shut off soon after the intense CPU activity is over. For day...