What is your screen size?

the 30" screen is, effectively, 2 of apples 20" screens 'pasted' together vertically. the width of the 20" is roughly the height of the 30". many large-screen lcds do this, hence needing effectively, '2' graphics cards (dual link), available with only the very top end GPUs. 2560x1600 pixels takes quite a bit of grunt to power.

i have apples 20" alu cinema display. it's bloody gorgeous, and very crisp at it's native 1680x1050. i use it mainly for photoshop, illustrator and browsing. iLife looks particularly good in it. very roomy
1024 x 768 (LCD)
1280 x 960 (17" Sony CRT)​

Beige G3:
1152 x 870 (17" Sony CRT)​

Sun Ultra10:
1600 x 1200 (17" Sony CRT)​

1024 x 768 (15" Samsung CRT)​
I notice nearly everybody is running at comparatively low resolution.

What do you think of how Apple sells different size monitors (eg on the iMac G5) but doesn't increase the pixel count? The same with Apple's portable range that have less resolution than available on most PCs, which also adjust the GUI better to available pixels.
1440X900 on my PB. Vey nice for DVDs. It is so freeing to have this much screen real estate to do work on. I do have to play around with the resolution levels to make it work with projectors, though.
what do you mean by comparitively low..

and as for the 30".. regardless of how it's constructed i think you'll find it requires a dual-link DVI card simple because single-link DVI can't handle enough data for resolutions that high.
12inch iBook at 1024x768 and it drives me nuts. I can bairly get anything on the freaking screen.

On my G5 I have a Hitachi display at 1280x1024. I also have a Samsung CRT that i want to hook up to it but I need to get an ADC>DVI adaptor.

This summer I am debating over getting a 20inch Apple display, or a 24 inch dell display :-D they are roughly the same price, but I am not so sure about the quality of the Dell, we have had a few die at work here, and the black plastic is ugly. OR I can trade in my iBook and get a PowerBook, which I want... but do I need it? :-D I have a technology problem.

The thing that annoys me the most about LCD's is the relitively low resolution compared to CRT's, at work i have a G3 on a Gateway VX700 running on 1600x1200 no problem. On a LCD to get that resolution you have to go to at least a 20inch, 19inches have the same resolution as 17s, so why do people buy 19s???
This is interesting seeing people's different screen resolutions. They all appear to be 1024x768. I have not seen many people that have it set to 800x600 anymore. 800x600 seems like 640x480 to me.