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  1. holmBrew

    something strange from system.log

    thanks, i was worried it was some sort of spyware or something...
  2. holmBrew

    something strange from system.log

    What the hell does this mean? Sep 24 18:56:54 jason2 mDNSResponder[238]: 8231: WARNING! Bogus client application has now registered 3 identical instances of service 526900068;526900068;1186883532;158878071._MacOSXDupSuppress._tcp.local.
  3. holmBrew

    Jaguar + Apache + Linksys + DynDNS

    A flakey connection is possible. I have earthlink too and HATE it! I can't wait for my contract to expire so I can kick those bastards to the curb... Be careful calling earthlink. They don't want you serving sites from home.
  4. holmBrew

    Jaguar + Apache + Linksys + DynDNS

    from nslookup: nslookup Name: Address: and nslookup Name: Address: seems to be your WAN address.
  5. holmBrew

    Jaguar + Apache + Linksys + DynDNS

    are the request coming throughDynDNS coming to or just it the request are just, they they are only looking for port 80...have you tried i cannot hit it from here, it does not resolve, and...
  6. holmBrew

    Jaguar + Apache + Linksys + DynDNS

    This is what I would try: 1. reconfig DynDNS so that it point to 2. set your Linksys to forward all requests for to your server. (i think you can find the interface to set up the forwards in the 'advanced' setting on your linksys) The other way...
  7. holmBrew

    What is the best FTP client for Jaguar?

    There IS no substitute.
  8. holmBrew

    Fubar Terminal after upgrade

    you have probably made a mistake in the script where you editted the path. regarding mysql, are you sure you are starting it as the correct user? try sudo safe_mysqld
  9. holmBrew

    TERM_PROGRAM: Undefined variable.

    That worked like a charm! Thanks for all the help! d1taylor - I just may have to buy your book. :)
  10. holmBrew

    TERM_PROGRAM: Undefined variable.

    what's the added '?' do?
  11. holmBrew

    TERM_PROGRAM: Undefined variable.

    Some how I hosed the /etc/csh.cshrc, /etc/csh.login, and /etc/csh.logout Those are fixed now. Still getting that funky TERM_PROGRAM: Undefined variable. Thanks for the help.
  12. holmBrew

    TERM_PROGRAM: Undefined variable.

    I guess my real problem is that I need to have those other paths available for remote sessions. I need this PATH for remote sessions: PATH=~/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin:/Users/username/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
  13. holmBrew

    TERM_PROGRAM: Undefined variable.

    When I ssh into my box (since the 10.2.x upgrade) I get the following message upon login: Last login: Wed Sep 18 15:08:57 2002 Welcome to Darwin! TERM_PROGRAM: Undefined variable. PATH ends up being this: PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin instead of what it normally...
  14. holmBrew

    Disk Copy woes

    Ya, it's there. It worked in 10.1.5. I tried downloading and installed the DiscRecording1.3.5 update from apple, but it would run because it is an update for 10.1.5... :(
  15. holmBrew

    do apps start slower in 10.2.1, or is it my imagination?

    It seems that when you update from the command line it doesn't do any optimization, so I did an update_prebinding and it seemed to make a big difference...
  16. holmBrew

    do apps start slower in 10.2.1, or is it my imagination?

    I think all my applications are starting slower since the 10.2.1 update today. It seems that little arrow just throbs and throbs until it finally starts... Apps like Testedit take about 15 bounces to start. :( this makes me sad.
  17. holmBrew

    Disk Copy woes

    Since 10.2.x i get the following error when I try ot burn an image with Disk Copy: Could not find any suitable drives to burn discs. Anyone else seeing this?
  18. holmBrew

    Strange Hilight colors in 10.2

    I guess my point is that I don't see the problem (or maybe I never noticed the fuctionality in past OS versions). Or...Is it really effecting your overall warm-and-fuzzy-Aqau-UI-experience? Maybe Apple decide that we cannot have control of the Menu Highlight colors...they can do that...
  19. holmBrew

    Strange Hilight colors in 10.2

    'You can't always get what you want....' Or, you can choose a custom color...see attached
  20. holmBrew

    Strange Hilight colors in 10.2

    Ok. In Mail I get the selected message in a dark version of the Highlight Color and selected text as the light version of the Highlight Color. I really don't see the problem...