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  1. holmBrew

    help with ppp and dsl please

    won't you then need a dual-homed machine? dsl normally auths through PPPoE. if you turn on FTP in System Pref it edits your inetd.conf and will start FTP everytime you machine is reboted. you may also look at inetd.conf for ppp. is you machine actually gogin to be recieving dial-up...
  2. holmBrew

    Jaguar Observations...

    Summarize has been around for awhile. This is not new to Jaguar.
  3. holmBrew

    setting up a SMB share to mount with NetInfo

    Does anyone know how to set thing up. At one point I have some NFS mounts set up this way, but I am not at a different place crawling with a bunch if WinBlows freaks and everything is WinBlows this and WinBlow that and my OS X box makes them quake in their Sketchers. Anyway, can it be done?
  4. holmBrew

    Cant select printer in Print Center

    none of this worked for me...but i was not about to try to reinstall 10.1.3 because I have 10.1.4 installed... found this article on but it didn't help me either: Mac OS X 10.1: Cannot Print or Add Printer, or Print Center Quits Unexpectedly Article ID: 106726 still getting...
  5. holmBrew

    sometimes my mac forgets one of my DNS entries...

    So, as my first DNS entry in the Network setting I have the IP for the DNS server only accessible from with the VPN I use for work. Sometime my machine forgets it and has trouble resolving internal requests. To fix this i have to delete the entry from the DNS list in Network setting, apply the...
  6. holmBrew

    OSX System Freeze

    my B&W G3 400 will freeze occationally when i use some heavy apps like AI 10 and SP 7. it also hates when I have Classic running and I am listening to iTunes. This will almost certainly cause this blue and white bastard to throw a kernal panic. so, my solution was to not run iTunes on it is...
  7. holmBrew

    c, or cocoa learning resources

    I too want to make apps for OS X!!!! viva la OS X!!!! Anyway, an friend told me to learn C and then focus on Cocoa. So I bought "Teaching Yourself C in 21 days" a SAMS Publishing book that is pretty good, and they I was advise to buy "Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X" by Aaron Hillegass...
  8. holmBrew

    Stuck on Tomcat it is free to start ups and for development...
  9. holmBrew

    Anybody else want Unix Focus forum restored?

    it was a great resource
  10. holmBrew

    Adobe Photoshop 7.0

    That was fun. Got anymore? BTW, that cat looks like Bill the Cat from Bloom County...anyone remember Bloom County?
  11. holmBrew

    Classic Lives On!! Or does it?

    Since Thursday, I now run Photoshop 7, Illustrator 10, Flash MX, ImageReady 7 all in OS X...I have an InDesign 2.0 demo and hope to get ID soon through work... At that point I will only start Classic to test webpage in Classic versions of the browsers...
  12. holmBrew

    Classic Lives On!! Or does it?

    I am trying to make the switch to InDesign, but some of the printer we work with are a little resistant to the idea, although they don't really come up with any really good reasons. What the hell was Quarl think in not Carbonizinf Quark 5.0 anyway. They need to step away from the crack pipe...
  13. holmBrew

    man: no entry for clear in the manual.

    /usr/local/man was not in the man path!?!?!? It seems to me that it should be!! Am I right?
  14. holmBrew

    man: no entry for clear in the manual.

    So, I am looking around and reading some man stuff, I know...and I discover that there are man pages, but 'man' doesn't fine them. Case-in-point. I type 'man clear' and get: man: no entry for clear in the manual. the I type 'locate clear.1' and the output is...
  15. holmBrew

    InDesign 2.0, OS X and the funky font salad

    I can across a funky behavior in ID 2.0 in OS X. I converted a simple Quark doc into an ID dco and it was all ok. A few tweaks, but that is expected. I made the edits, and printed it and got some funky kerning in the printed version. Turns out that the mix of fonts that I had: Gill...
  16. holmBrew

    AI 10 and printing to Preview

    Illustrator 10.0.1 is installed.
  17. holmBrew

    What crashes your X?

    My Powerbook (Prismo) is rock solid. I run a web server, and app server (Resin), and a ton of other processes and it performs great and is very stable. My B&W G3 400 has some issues. During a hard day of working in Illustrator 10 it locks...completely locks...atleast once, and if I have...
  18. holmBrew

    AI 10 and printing to Preview

    Complaint/Suggestion has been submitted to Adobe. They need to have a 'Wishlist' sort of thing like Macromedia ( i.e.
  19. holmBrew

    AI 10 and printing to Preview

    ya, i export pdf's from AI all the time, I just like the Print to Preview option in OS X. it is super useful. thanks.
  20. holmBrew

    AI 10 and printing to Preview

    ya, printing to PDF. Pressing the 'Preveiw' button in the print dialog box instead of the 'Print' buttom. I know that you can save an AI doc in PDF format, but printing to Preview is a nice and fast way to get a quick PDF and send it off to someone...