Search results

  1. Darkshadow

    Why does the Desktop Image get compressed?

    Hmm, I was not aware that you couldn't adjust the Apple supplied pictures. That's odd; I'd think the setting would be global rather than just pertain to your own pictures. However, if you select one of your own pictures, then change this setting, it also applies to the Apple ones. So, while...
  2. Darkshadow

    Want an NSTableView with total row!

    Well, that's because the NSTableView is inside the scroller, and doesn't own it. It's the other way around. You can get a pointer to the NSScrollView with [self enclosingScrollView] (it's a NSView method that NSTableView inherits). If the second NSTableView is also in its own NSScrollView...
  3. Darkshadow

    impossible to have path as finder window title?

    I don't know of a way to show it at all times, but you can always move the mouse over the folder name at the top of the window, hold down the command ( ⌘ ) key, then click the mouse button. That'll show you the path.
  4. Darkshadow

    Donation Drive

    How much did you get up to, Scott?
  5. Darkshadow

    iTunes Dies!

    What does the crash log say? It should be at /Users/your_user_name/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/iTunes.crash.log - maybe we can figure out what's causing the crashes with that.
  6. Darkshadow

    Why does the Desktop Image get compressed?

    Hmm, macmastah is just asking how not to have the desktop pic scaled to the screen. Open up the Desktop & Screensaver preference pane (Desktop preference pane if you're still using 10.2 or earlier), and in the popup change it from Stretch to fill screen to Fill screen (or whichever of the...
  7. Darkshadow

    Pico is NOT working

    It's part of the BSD subsystem install. Which is installed by default. Since you aren't being told that the file doesn't exist, I'd suggest trying to fix the disk permissions and see if that fixes pico. Mac OS X doesn't have ldd, but you can use otool for similar functionality. Looks...
  8. Darkshadow

    Setting environment variables (PATH, etc) outside shell

    Yeah, something like that. I had it set to on, then instead of deleting it, I just set it to NO. Did creating this file work the way you wanted it to?
  9. Darkshadow

    Drunken (but sound-ish) spyware theory

    There's a chance. Macs mainly don't get them because a) it's harder to write them for it (but not impossible), and b) there are less people that use Macs.
  10. Darkshadow

    Monkeys, Cacti, Dogcows, Shameless Self Promotion...

    Hey, best of luck! Put up another demo song or some such, so we can listen before we decide to vote. ;) (I was one of the ones that enjoyed your previous one, though I don't remember if I posted anything about it.)
  11. Darkshadow

    Setting environment variables (PATH, etc) outside shell

    There's a file you can create/edit to have variables available to everything running (including Cocoa apps). In your user's home folder, create a folder named .MacOSX. Inside this folder, create a file named environment.plist. This is a standard plist file. You would add the environment name...
  12. Darkshadow

    user '???'/'nobody' hogging my system..?

    Some of these may be cron jobs running. Those show up pretty briefly in Activity Monitor and often have strange looking names. Though I haven't personally seen it listing the user as ??? that may be because the process runs and finishes so quickly, Activity Monitor wasn't able to lookup the...
  13. Darkshadow

    Is there a bin or sbin folder for the root user?

    Yes, because cron runs as root. Though there may be problems if cron is running as a user other than root (from changing it in /etc/crontab or from a user's personal crontab) if that user doesn't have permissions to the script/executable at that path.
  14. Darkshadow

    System Administrator Apple Default Password

    I was simply saying that when the user name System Administrator shows up, it is asking for root's password. System Administrator is root's long name. I don't know why Adonsa's security dialog is asking for it, but that's what it's asking for. It's definitely not asking for an admin...
  15. Darkshadow

    meta tags, google and yahoo

    Yeah, I'll second that. I come up as fourth and ninth if you search for "Darkshadow" on Google - fourth place is my old poetry page which hasn't been updated since Oct 2000 - mainly because it's on Yahoo/Geocities (though it still seems to get people in...), and the ninth place one is my "About...
  16. Darkshadow

    Which 'nix will port easiest?

    It's more than that - the code wouldn't run at all. If it wasn't compiled on MacOS X, it's not going to work on MacOS X. Period. This isn't just a MacOS X thing; if you tried to run anything compiled on a different operating system than you are using, it won't run. This actually goes the...
  17. Darkshadow

    System Administrator Apple Default Password

    Actually, when the security dialog pops up with the name System Administrator, it's asking for root's password. Which, as was said above, you can usually change the name to an admin and use that admin's password.
  18. Darkshadow

    Quitting apps from the command line`

    I made a small command line program that gets the PID of processes by name. It matches like grep, though, so if there are different programs with similar names, it will list them all (as would grep). vnc should be pretty safe from that, though. You can download it if you want to try it...
  19. Darkshadow

    Is there a bin or sbin folder for the root user?

    I made a folder /Library/CronJobs where I stick 'em. This was just so that I had a central place to add in scripts for cron jobs. Feel free to do the same. BTW, anywhere on the hard drive is acessible by cron, Lycander, so long as you give the full path to the script/executable in the crontab.
  20. Darkshadow

    hostname always "localhost"

    Hmm, I don't have any unprintable characters in mine. The file is updated when you change stuff in the control panels, did you have System Preferences crash on you at some point? If it's not causing any problems for you, it's probably OK.