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  1. easterhay

    What's YOUR age?

    There was some text-only adventure game we used to play on the Apple II where I always got lost in 'A twisting maze of winding passageways', which became "A winding maze of twisting passageways" and other such infuriating combinations. Normally resulted in me swearing at the machine and going...
  2. easterhay

    MENSA Intelligence Test

    Ok, cover me, I'm goin' back in for another look. If I'm not out in half an hour, send a search party
  3. easterhay

    Gonna start a revolution from my smile

    I must get this off my chest....we are Mac people, and as such we are aesthetes, as concerned with the visual merits of our gadgets as the technological. So what's with the smilies? I know their purpose and I agree they are invaluable in eliminating the inevitable ambiguity of the hastily...
  4. easterhay

    Listen to accents from all over the world

    I used to work in an international language school in the UK and occasionally took students on trips to Scotland. You should have seen the looks on their faces when the coach stopped at a service station outside Newcastle and they realised the English they had learned was about as much use as a...
  5. easterhay

    01:02:03 - 04/05/06

    Yes, and henceforth this board shall be in Esperanto. Hmmm, 'henceforth' isn't that an imperial unit of time?
  6. easterhay

    What's YOUR age?

    Ah, the atomic wedgie. Brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. Nostalgia - ain't what it used to be
  7. easterhay

    MENSA Intelligence Test

    Retiring with honour at 29 (though have to admit that 9 P in S A was a total lager-inspired fluke). This test is definitely skewed away from patagonian agnostics. Mikuro, I got 8 B in a B, and that scared me off even contemplating the rest. Technospeak baffles me. On second thoughts, a quick...
  8. easterhay

    What's YOUR age?

    ...and I just turned 70, according to my Post Age at least. Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me.....!
  9. easterhay

    What's YOUR age?

    Ahhh, the Apple II - makes me want a glass of Lemonade just thinking about it! Tsk, I call myself a switcher, but our first computer at home was an Apple II. Really got the piss taken out of me at school for having a computer named after a piece of fruit.
  10. easterhay

    What's YOUR age?

    Oh my god, I'm ancient. 34. 34!! But only 1 in mac years, so look after me EDIT: and a bit slow on the uptake too....just realised most of this thread is four years old. I blame the fading eyesight
  11. easterhay

    Whoa. How Did He Do This???

    Had I but read that - or the system requirements on the web page for that matter - before downloading it. Duh.:(
  12. easterhay

    HD Erase terror

    Thank you for trying what I dared not. I can rest now.
  13. easterhay

    HD Erase terror

    Agreed I can't Burn, Unmount, Eject or Enable Journaling, but Erase remains an apparently viable option in the panel on the right, slap bang between First aid and Restore. Obviously I'm not planning to try it. Just freaks me out that I appear to be able to, like having a...
  14. easterhay

    HD Erase terror

    I have an odd query. When I use Disk Utility to erase the contents of a CD-RW (OsX 10.3.9) I undergo a terrifying 'What would happen if I accidentally selected my HD instead of the CD-RW' bout of vertigo-like anxiety. I find myself double-treble-quadruple-checking that I have absotively...
  15. easterhay

    iPod is crap

    ...and can I just congratulate fjdouse on the excellent clarity of the original thread title? Adrift on a sea of "Help me!@??!" and "What the f**k is going on?" posts, I think we can safely say that this one did exactly what it said on the tin!
  16. easterhay

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Pink Floyd, Green is the Colour
  17. easterhay

    101 uses for a dead Mac

    Genius - a level of dedication bordering on the frightening. I am humbled.
  18. easterhay

    Windows 98 on Intel Mac?

    Yay, like Jetset Willy and Manic Miner! We must perform a Quirkafleeg!
  19. easterhay

    Incompatiblity for the intellectually challenged

    Truetruetrue, but you've got to be savvy enough to keep it going, which I'm not, more's the pity. This 'forced obsolescence' drives me batty. If something breaks these days, nine times out of 10 it is either: - cheaper to buy a new one than repair the old one - impossible to repair the old one...
  20. easterhay

    Incompatiblity for the intellectually challenged

    Thanks for the interesting history. I never cease to wonder at the speed with which things become obsolete, upgraded, phased out, merged, shut down or discontinued these days. Only bought my iBook (10.3.9) a year ago and I get grumpy when the Version Tracker daily bulletin contains so many new...