Search results

  1. spitty27

    AirPort ?

    airport extreme impressions: ok, so i got home, went to the UCLA store, and came home. i opened the box, the thing is TINY!! i take out the g5 from under the desk, (scratching a tiny bit and paint chipping 'nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' im so pissed at myself). i open it up, and look for the...
  2. spitty27

    AirPort ?

    im buying an aiport extreme card for my g5 later after school. ittle work on the 802.11b netgear, right?
  3. spitty27

    Gigafast Wireless USB 11mbps Adapter

    so i finally got my g5 (sig) and my cousin let me have his USB wireless adapter, made by gigafast. i plugged it into the g5 and i couldn't get anything, system prefs' network wouldn't recognize it, but apple system profiler found the WLAN in the USB Bus. is there any way or a certain driver that...
  4. spitty27

    How come there is no CD icon for CDs and DVDs

    wowowowowoahahha i had the same problem i didn't know what happened/what i did. thanks diablo!
  5. spitty27

    G5 with floppy drive?!?!

    why does it look like a zip drive to me? maybe i just havent seen a floppy in soooooooo long :-p
  6. spitty27

    Isp For Mac Users

    hehe, im sorry. 4mbps Adelphia Cable through the netgear, split to 5 computers - 4 wireless its so fast!!!!! next year i think we get 5 or 6mbps. they keep bumping the speed cap.
  7. spitty27

    alubook update today?

    dont they update models or introduce things exactly one month after macworld...? the start of next week, maybe?
  8. spitty27

    Safari 1.2

    thanks bobw! btw: does anyone know where i could find the replacement progress bar img? i dont remember where i got it, but it would make the blue loading bar (URL bar) more aqua-ish. thanks
  9. spitty27

    Safari 1.2

    yeah sorry for the rant..i was being ignorant. so theres a new "download linked file as..." option and it pulls down a window asking where you want to save it - thats pretty cool. seems as if mine is broken?? i don't have any buttons to close ore show in finder in the downloads manager. should i...
  10. spitty27

    Safari 1.2

    hmm sorry about that...i just removed the saft SIMBL plugin bundle and now the window opens on launch.... hehe ::angel:: hmm the tabbing links also works.... this still really sucks - i want my saft back!!!
  11. spitty27

    Safari 1.2

    who else is pissed off with Safari 1.2?????? so i installed it, restarted, clicked on the icon in the window. hit command n a couple of times, still nothing. checked the "window" menu, and found all my windows listed. the preferences for highlighting links with tab are...
  12. spitty27

    Virginia Tech goes Xserve G5

    lol my harddrive name is "bigMac"
  13. spitty27

    Jan 24th predictions / 20th Anniversary.

    its 9:07am pst and nothing so far... :mad:
  14. spitty27

    Jan 24th predictions / 20th Anniversary.

    or... "i celebrated Apple's 20th birthday, and all i got was this lousy security update" and then on the front or on the back it has the description of the update...
  15. spitty27

    G5 Blues, ;[

    the g4 was announced the day my brother's b&w g3 400 arrived :-)
  16. spitty27

    Jan 24th predictions / 20th Anniversary.

    so....nothing new yet...its 10am cupertino time
  17. spitty27

    GarageBand Creations

    here are some i made with garageband (all just loops beause im a very talented person...) Song 1 Song 2 Song 3
  18. spitty27

    iCal Update

    not to forget that iSync is also free. i dont know what their deal was with iMovie and iPhoto. i remember when iMovie used to cost money, and iMovie 2 but then half a year later they made both free downloads. and iPhoto was free since release up till now. they better put 'em up for free...
  19. spitty27

    iCal Update

    the new wonderful thing about spymac3 :-)...i think should follow in its footsteps. free 100mb "iDisks" with WebDAV, 25mb email, iCal hosting, Blog hosting etc....